For what it's worth~
My daughter's bunny (age 3) was hopping around the apartment and went under her bed. Well, the frame was unsteady so my daughter was trying to get Butters out. The bed frame snapped and hit Butters in the back. She now can't move her rear legs. I took her to the vet the next morning, and Butters was put on Prednisone for pain/inflammation~for the next 3 weeks~with a secondary Rx to restrict movement as much as possible.
Butters is eating well, she's going to the bathroom fine. She eats her turds, snuggles with her stuffed Koala, and lets us give her a bath (really quite necessary!). I read on the web that newborn disposable diapers are a good way to deal with the mess. Cut out a spot for the tail, tape it around like you would on a baby, and then let bunny scoot around the apartment. She did scoot a bit earlier today when we were transferring her back to her cage~that bunny can MOVE.
So I wanted to put the diaper option out there for you. A lot cheaper than a bunny wheelchair AND would increase the exercise she gets without costing your carpet.
Good luck!