Hair Loss

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
, Louisiana, USA
I did some resurch today. My Rabbit Gumbo is lossing hair. It dont look like a rash. it is just fallilng out. :(The Closest thing is the hair mite. but the pictures i saw looked rashey!Dose this sound like hair mites? or can it be the heat? See, I live in Louisiana In the USA.Can yall Help Me? :nerves1
How old is your bunny? Could it be a moult? If you have not seen a bunny moult before, it can be pretty scary when you first see handfuls coming out.
So, unless you got the bunny very recently, you will have seen a moult? they tend to have a drastic one once a year and then two or three less severe ones each year too.

Has anything changed in your bunnies world recently?

It's probably worth a trip to the vets just to check it's not mites or fleas or anything.

Diet and stress can also cause hairloss.
Nothen happend so far that i know of. I got a new bunny but they never see each other. so yall might be right it is malting but out of the 2 years i had him molting may be the ancer! i hope. :D
Molting issometimes reffered to as "blowing their coat".

With a heavy molt the hair willsometimes come out in clumps and leave bald spots. You'll notice that the fur will have started to grow back...very short and fuzzy close to the skin. No rash or irritation should be present.

With a lighter molt you won't see bald spots, but the fur will be falling out like crazy. And sometimes you can see the contrastinglines that the molt forms.

Half of my buns have been shedding/molting like crazy for the past week or so. The others will probably decide to when the others are done. Can't all do it at the same time...Nooooo!:?
I think it's the temp/season change that affecting mine.

Diet and stress can also cause shedding.


The heat in Louisiana is very hot! But Oreo is not sheading and she is in the same heat. all well. can you tell how old your rabbit is? i wana know how old is Oreo.
"Unfortunately, not even a vet can tell the age of a mature rabbit with any real accuracy. When the bunny is spayed or neutered, the condition of the reproductive organs can give a clue (if they're relatively small and "new" looking the bunny is probably only a few months old.

With a great deal of experience, a person can learn to gauge the *approximate* age of a rabbit (under one year; 1-2 years; over 5 years, etc.) by looking at the shape of the body, the condition of the skin and eyes, the color and condition of the teeth, etc. But it's a very inexact science."

~ref. from


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