Hair Balls

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rabbits canot vomit so it is unlikely that yourbun has a hairball. too much hair in their system may lead to anintestinal blockage and you should give some leafy green veggies tohelp clear it out. to prevent this you should brush your rabbit daily.
My rabbit was diagnosed with a trichobezoar(hair ball) a few weeks ago.Her symptoms were lethargy, notinterested in food,a drop in body temperature, andteethgrinding.I took her in to work with me thatmorning and we took x-rays and saw that she has a large mass offood/hair in her tummy. Our vet prescribed papaya enzymetablets, pineapple juice, and laxatone to help with the hairball. Since then Kahlua has done much better, she no longerhas a hairball (the vet palpated her abdomen and did an x-ray) and ison a lifetime regimen of papaya enzyme and pineapple juice twice a weekfor prevention.
Glad she is better. As the article says, thereal problem is stasis, which is different from the hairball problem inother animals.

The scientific jury is still out as to whether papaya or pineapple are good for stasis:

The best thing is a steady supply of hay & fresh water. But ifyou serve papaya or pineapple it's best in (unsweetened) fresh form,because this will help prevent stasis by keeping the bun'sgut hydrated.
i use the unsweetened juice. my rabbitis a rex. i also agree that the best prevention/treatment isa good diet.

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