had neuter today

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He really should be eating by now. All of my neuters have ate and pooed the night of the surgery. He sounds very uncomfortable, poor boy.
yeah. he does not seem.. in really bad pain. on top of warm bit.. off it... shuffle over for drink.....
should be prepared for syrining him. it brings back bad bad memeroirs.
Rabbits don't show their pain in the same way other animals and people do. They hide it until they can bear it no more. It is the subtle signs, such as not eating or pooing, that tell you how bad he is feeling.

Is he inside?
if you mean house..... lovin it...
the new nosies make him a bit warry.. but love the visits he gets every half/hour or so.
its the nice rang tempeture and a nice box. which is big.
about inside him.... dont know. if it matters, my dad said the vet said he put no stiches in.
i looked. its ok. not warm. strange colour ect
You could put an ice pack wrapped in a towel on the incision area for 10 min at a time to help with the pain. They recommended this for Benjamin's neuter, but they also gave us pain meds to give him. Did you ask the vet for pain meds today?
no, i dont even trust them. they could give me the stuff for genenral use for pain. which i heard is dangerous on rabbits...
he still has not pooped.
my mum said hew will be ok.
i lost a rabbit to digestive system relateed illness before.
im not stupid, im ringing the vet. i have birthday money to pay for it. he ate v the smallest wee bit.....but no poo. pee. no poo.
I think he should be checked by a vet.
Make sure there nothing going on that a vet would need to address like an infection or such.

It's not uncommon for buns to not want to eat/drink after surgery....especially if they've had anesthesia.

If they don't want to eat/drink.... then they don't poop/pee.

After 24 hours it's time to be concerned and decide on a plan....or two.

Hydration is most important.
If he's not drinking then you could start syringing ...pedialite if available.
The vet could give sub-q liquids if needed.

ok. he is drinking from the start. thank god..
now today he had a small bit of appel and carrot. and he ate some pellet food.
he peed. im waitting now tonight for poo.
if none. the vets. he is still using my water bottle warm thing.
he ate some hay.
the vet said its normal but tomorrow bring him in if no luck.
he got out of the box. and had the whole room to run about last might. and made up for no poos..... like 20 of them.
he is back out side. eatting/drinking/pooing/peeing... and is happy.
thank god for that.

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