Active Member
Honesty hurts... I think that you could have done a better job takingcare of your guinea pig. However, I understand what its like to have avery ill pet. Rex, a late guinea pig of mine, got sick a few years ago.When the vet bills were about $900 we paid and Rex was still gettingworse. On his last night he was clearly suffering and the vet's officewas closed. In the end we decided that an overdose on his pain medswould be the most humane thing to do. I can understand that youprobablly needed to put you piggy down.
But I can't understand how you wouldn't give him the same treatment asyou would another pet. Or why you "gave nothing emotionally". I wonderif you would all be so understanding if she said that she put therabbit down, but would have done the surgery on the guinea pig.
I think I actually favor my pigs, as they are a lot easier to pleaseand, in my opinion, give more love back. But maybe Ijust havean independant However, I would always give Peter, my bunny,the same care as my other pets regardless of my prefferences.
You are clearly a good pet owner! I can tell this and I don't even knowyou. You are doing a very nice thing saving these pets, but maybe youshould think about the quality of life, rather than the quantity ofyears.
I'm not saying you should get rid of your buns, who yiou clearly ovetoo much. But maybe you culd try and swallow your pride a bit and finda new home for the remainig guinea pig. No one will judge you,youhave obviously done whats best for the animals so far, socontinue the tradition.
Where do you live, maybe if you decide to, i could help you find a home for your Peter.
Honesty hurts... I think that you could have done a better job takingcare of your guinea pig. However, I understand what its like to have avery ill pet. Rex, a late guinea pig of mine, got sick a few years ago.When the vet bills were about $900 we paid and Rex was still gettingworse. On his last night he was clearly suffering and the vet's officewas closed. In the end we decided that an overdose on his pain medswould be the most humane thing to do. I can understand that youprobablly needed to put you piggy down.
But I can't understand how you wouldn't give him the same treatment asyou would another pet. Or why you "gave nothing emotionally". I wonderif you would all be so understanding if she said that she put therabbit down, but would have done the surgery on the guinea pig.
I think I actually favor my pigs, as they are a lot easier to pleaseand, in my opinion, give more love back. But maybe Ijust havean independant However, I would always give Peter, my bunny,the same care as my other pets regardless of my prefferences.
You are clearly a good pet owner! I can tell this and I don't even knowyou. You are doing a very nice thing saving these pets, but maybe youshould think about the quality of life, rather than the quantity ofyears.
I'm not saying you should get rid of your buns, who yiou clearly ovetoo much. But maybe you culd try and swallow your pride a bit and finda new home for the remainig guinea pig. No one will judge you,youhave obviously done whats best for the animals so far, socontinue the tradition.
Where do you live, maybe if you decide to, i could help you find a home for your Peter.