HA! I got the last $10 neuter spot for Simon!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
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, Missouri, USA
I am SO ready to have him fixed. He's just at a year old but his neuter was delayed for medical reasoning. That resolved, I decided to wait these extra3 weeks to make it in to the low cost option offered on Sept. 11-12th. He'll be going in on Friday the 12th. When I called the vet office they said they are in the $10 program but only had room for one male cat... BINGO! ;)





He's adorable! Is he blind?

Diesel got neutered already! We have a lowcost spay and neuter and we had all three kittens done at one time since they were ferral. The other two got a great home.

Congrats! Low-cost neuters are awesome. My shelter does $30 spay/neuters with the in-house vet but it can take a while to get an appointment, and their free TNR clinic through another vet is out of coupons/spots for the year.

He is beautiful! I can't imagine dealing with an intact adult male cat though. Eww. Is it bad?
Simon has sprayed in my house twice, both times when he was frightened. I've heard horror stories, though, of male cats spraying so I'm by far an advocate of getting them neutered earlier when their health allows.

He is blind. Born without eyeballs he had a few infection problems and scares - and being a feral kitten when brought to the pound he had several health issues going on.

One of the vets main concerns as he got healthy and grew was his eye sockets. If he were prone to opening the lids the vet wanted to sew them shut but with Simons poor health as a kitten/young adult the didnt want to put him under until it was necessary - or when he got neutered so they could do both proceedures at once.

Time helped heal his body and now that he has a nice clean bill of health and clear eyes for right at 3 months with no relapses we believe he won't have to have the lids sewn shut but a final check at the time of his neuter could actually sway the vet so I'm not sure what those results will be.
Well he's back home. I'm glad he's neutered but disappointed with that vet office.

I told them he was UTD on shots etc and left my vets paperwork with him as proof.

They completely re-vacced him, clipped his nails (I had already done so but they made them WAY SHORT - nice, but not asked for and not worth $15), cleaned his ears... I forget what all but need to get the papers out of the car.

The $10 neuter cost me $77.50 I could have gone through the regular OPSpot through MY VET for $35.
Whoa! That was an expensive $10 neuter! But it's done and hind sight is 20-20. Don't go there again.

It sounds like the mechanic that advertises a cheap oil change and then finds so much wrong, your cheap oil change is $200!
Well, round two is under way.

After making some calls to vets today I found one with an opening today/tomorrow for additional cats to be taken in at the $10 rate.

I went through the spiel many times, confirmed prices (told them about the other vet and charges) and they gave me these rates:

$10 spay

$9.50 Rabies

(plus an additional $25 if she is pregnant or in heat)

$10 for pain meds, if needed

I went ahead and did an over the phone payment for $19.50. I'm supposed to drop Raven off between 4-5pm tonite and I can pick her up around the same time tomorrow.

She's my lovely little girl:


Do a google search:

youtube who threw this beautiful kitten out

youtube - 8 Months Later - (Who threw this beautiful kitten out?)

Leaf wrote:
Well he's back home. I'm glad he's neutered but disappointed with that vet office.

I told them he was UTD on shots etc and left my vets paperwork with him as proof.

They completely re-vacced him, clipped his nails (I had already done so but they made them WAY SHORT - nice, but not asked for and not worth $15), cleaned his ears... I forget what all but need to get the papers out of the car.

The $10 neuter cost me $77.50 I could have gone through the regular OPSpot through MY VET for $35.
I was charged:

Ten Spot Fix - Feline Neuter $10

Nail Trim - $14.50

Tresaderm Solution - $15.40 (He didn't have earmites - all of my pets were vetted except for Rabies in the last two weeks of August. I KNOW earmites, all are clear...)

Rabies Feline - $15.40

FVRCPC, Booster - $15.75

Examination - $36.00

Total - $77.50


The $77.50? I could have used my own regular vet who is not in the $10 program this go around... for what, $35 for a routine neuter using the 909VETS program...


Thank goodness I didnt schedule BOTH cats with the first vet I mentioned!
BlueGiants, I think she's very pretty myself.

It's funny (did anyone watch the youtube videos?) because the day she came in to the pound I was running late, Lisa was already there and the police department had just dropped her off.

Lisa told me she was in bad shape but our hands were tied because we were out of supplies. I had Lisa on the phone calling the vet who we referred to in cases or situations like that but he was off for a funeral...

The kitten was wrapped in a towel - in a crate covered by a towel, so when I peeked in I saw a black face. Lisa said she was fed/watered and had a litter pan she probably wouldn't use so I let her be and just peeked in the side throughout the day to see if she was up - I could see her eye blinking and could see her breathing.

When it was time for us to close Lisa asked me what I was going to do about the kitten overnight (she didn't want to open the pound in the morning and find the kitten had died) so I told her I'd take it home.

It honestly wasn't until I loaded her into the car that I SAW her markings and how unusual (I think) they are.

I love black and white cats - I thought that was what she was originally!!
I typed in the times wrong earlier. I was supposed to drop her off today between 3-4pm. I just got home from doing so. I couldnt believe how busy the office was or how many cats were being picked up/ dropped off.

I should have her home by this time tomorrow. :)
Raven is home!

The only additional fee was $10 for pain medication.

She is still very groggy and jumpy if I try to touch her. Hopefully she'll be more alert by the time I go in to work tonite.

I'm so happy though, all 3 of my cats are done and it's over with. :)
Well, it's 7:40 right now. I start work at 10:30, so I'll be leaving ina little over 2 hours.

Raven is still real wobbly. She is sitting up now but she sways like crazy.

She seems scared to death of me. If I try to touch her she jerks like crazy and cringes.

The vet told me not to give her pain medicine until she isn't so woozy and to only give a bit of food or water once she seems better.

Since I'll be leaving soon I dont know exactly what to do. If I put water in her pet carrier (I moved her from the smaller travel one to a slightly larger one) she may spill it and be uncomfortable, but I dont know if she should do without all night.

Simon bounced back immediatly after his neuter so seeing Raven so out of it still is a little disturbing. :(

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