Gypsy (and others!) Look Here For Temptation

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That was my Mistake Pam, I didnt push the screen over far enoughand didnt realize it was Yourpost , I assumed with out looking that those werePictures of someof the rabbits confiscated, See what happens whenwe assume lol .

sorry about the mixup.
edit to add :

I never knew there was a Brinldle colorin Dutch , so my mix up actually taughtme something I didnt know , Thanks Pam.
I should have been clearer on that post Gypsy.(Was getting late and I was getting lazy LOL) I had postedthem as an example of the colors.

The brindle color is a result of the harlequin gene. Theharlequin gene best expresses itself in combination with the agoutigene, but can produce a "brindled" pattern in combination with the selfgene. Brindle was actually an accepted variety at one time:"Any intermixture of two or more hair colors (usually black and orangeor black and white) throughout the entire body. (quoted from the'91-'91 ARBA Standard under the list of ARBA Recognized Colors).

Here is another example of a tort (I Luv Mah Buns had posted it on another thread) --


The shading on the torts varies widely. The top breeders havea much cleaner saddle color with a lighter, smokey shading -- verydifferent from the "dirty" tort color (above) that we are so used toseeing in the Lops.

pamnock wrote:
This is just waaaaaaaaay too tempting . . .



Darn me and my lack of space! That's one of the cutest dutchmismarks I've seen in a long time. And after Loki, I lovedutches!

I hope you find good homes for all of them. They deserve somuch more (like a house that doesn't stink to high heaven).
What Beautiful, Precious Babies!! :inlove:


Knowing how sweet Ernestine, Buck Jones' blue dutch is, I wouldn'thesitate for a minute to take these little ones home if I had the room.

The pictures in the article came after our firstclean up. We took out 2 dozen trash bags so you can imaginewhat the before pictures looked like. The ammonia smell inthe basement was overwhelming. Of course there were no litterboxes. All the cages, litter boxes, water bottles, cleaningsupplies etc. are being provided by volunteers and donations. We areusing whatever we can get. All the rabbits have been sexedand the ears marked with either red or blue food coloring and all malesand females are seperated. Volunteers go and clean everyweekend or during the week and we have providing training on care,cleaning, etc. We had a similar situation last year in WoodCounty and animal control was good enough to house 40 rabbits foralmost a year while we got them spayed/neutered and adopted.Those rabbits were also Dutchies.

This week we have to all have an assessment together because we needhelp from animal control. There is no way we can house andhandle all these rabbits. Surprisingly only a small numberhad health problems and those were mainly injuries or clogged tearducts. They were all well feed and not starved. Ijust can't imagine living with that ammoniasmell.At my house we are constatly changing litterboxes and filtering. It's a lot of work but I don't want amessy house. For my crew of 18 senior cats and 5 rabbits itcosts about $40 to 50 a week to feed all of them - cat food, salads,pellets, hay. We go through about 150 pounds of cat litter aweek plusWoody Pet for the rabbits. Our vet billsaverage $2,000 a year up to $4,000 because of the seniors and specialneeds animals and that's getting a 'group' discount from thevet. We also have a house call vet in addition to the vetclinic. Of course all our animals are spayed andneutered. It's an enormous commitment of time andmoney. We are cleaning every day afterwork.I halfway joke that we have no social lief butwe do manage to fit in entertainment.

On the bunny color - if she were a dog, I would have sid she lookedlike a brindle British Bull terrier. Definitely need photosof her.

Bump: for an update with good news!

3 of the 5 babies have been adopted with adoptions pending on the others.

The good news is that the uncontrolled reproduction at the hoarder'shouse has stopped. 1/2 the rabbits have been spayed andneutered and placed in adoptions or foster homes. Newfosterfamilies have been recruited and trained for thiseffort.

Now the holidays are winding down, we are hoping the rest of thebunnies can go for their spay and neuter surgeries. HRS had alot of adoptions in December so that makes more room for thesebunnies.

The hoarder is being monitored and is keeping the the rabbits seperate,feeding and watering appropriately and generally doing a decent job ofcare and cleaning. There have been no illnesses among therabbits and that's an amazing thing.

I never thought we could do this much in so short a time.Thanks to all of you for you support, ideas, suggestions, offers ofhelp and kind thoughts and prayers.

oh my goodness, i would've killed for one ofthose babies as a girlfriend for william. i am SO glad to hear thegreat news! BOO for hoarders and YAY for responsible owners adoptingthem!

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