Guys remember my MeatHead's Crew site I made

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I am going to remove the Meathead's crew and checkers crew pages rightnow. But I can still keep your pics in there for bunny breeds if youguys like that. I have guinea pig breeds set up and I am going to workon doing a bunny breed.

I did make a thread on that few days before this site crashed. If youguys would like to see me make a bunny breed page i would love to doit. Jsut give me a few days to get things set up. Tomorrow is probablygoing to get a page made up since we are starting to cut grasstomorrow. Today i was soooooooooooo sick with a massive migraines thatmake you throw up and ugh bathrooms too. That really messes with my IBSand Colin Colitist. Ugh. I slept for 9 hrs since I woke up twice for anhour each. So that means I went to bed tues night woke up at 10:30 amwith a pain in my head. So I took advil, took a shower, then me and myhubby started on our daily devotions, all of the studden it got worstas we were trying to do our devotions. At that point we stopped andmade my hubby cover our window with the darkest thickest blanket. Icould not even have a single drop of light in the room so the bedroomwas pitch black. I went to sleep at noon, got up at 6pm, checked myemail, then went back in at 7pm and slept till 11. lol it is not toobad now, and I was able to eat something. So my hubby took me to wendysto get some chicken nuggets meal with a coke. Coke sooths my stomachwhen it is bad.

Hopefully tomorrow I will be more well to cut grass and ugh clean the pigs cage since they are stinking to no end. lol
A w w w w Angel,I missed this before. (T'was a crazy day!)

I hope you're feeling better... :hug:

sas :)pipp :bunnydance:dill :brownbunnyradar and darry :toastingbunsand sherry :bunny24