Have just heard from the vet that Guy is awake and fine after his sedation. No blockage was seen when the checks were made. Due to the way the noise could beheard depending on which way Guy's head was turned (?!?) it's been deemed that Guy has some irritation in hisupper respiritory tractwhich probably has been caused by an infection. That will be treated with anti-biotics. The most immediate concern now is to get him eating again as rabbit's digestive systems can stop working after anesthesia.
Hi all,
Right now Guy is at the vets and I'm at home waiting for them tophone me. Guy was taken up there this morning because a noise he was making was identified by the vet yesterday to be an indicator of breathing troubles. This noisehad not lessened any today (he was rather lethargic too I thought). He was left withthe vets this morning and the plan of action was going to be X-Ray's first, then most likely he would be sedated with aneasthetic so his windpipe could be looked at as closely his small rabbit size can allow.
I'd be very grateful for any good thoughts/wishes or prayers for him. I don't want to lose my little Guy.
To give a little background info:-
On Friday me and my family members noticed Guy was makinggrunting noises very frequently. I heard it as the noise he usually makes when pulling poop out to eat it, but he was doing it as he went about his general bunny activities. On Saturday my Dad spoke to a vet who said the noise was most likely a result of Guy being excitied by the female bunny pheremones in the air (he and Ebony are in separate locations in the house currently). Given those comments, I didn't worry very much after that. On Sunday night he was out as usual.
On Monday I was up early getting ready for a job interview I had in London. I was out all day but when I got in, my Bro told me our Dad had taken Guy to the vet earlier in the day. I requested details from my Dad who had mentioned nothing to me (because he didn't want me to worry probably). He told me that in the early afternoon Guy had not been eating and was drinking very little, so he took him to the vets surgery. The vet listened to Guy's breathing and said the noise indicated a partial blockage of Guy's windpipe. An infection was deemedunlikely to be the cause as there was no acompanying runny nose. He was given an antibiotic injection as a precaution/safgeguard but X-Rays and the very likeynecessity of checking his windpipe was mentioned then.The final advice was ifthere was no improvement this morning, he should be brought back in, which is what was done.
Jo xx
Have just heard from the vet that Guy is awake and fine after his sedation. No blockage was seen when the checks were made. Due to the way the noise could beheard depending on which way Guy's head was turned (?!?) it's been deemed that Guy has some irritation in hisupper respiritory tractwhich probably has been caused by an infection. That will be treated with anti-biotics. The most immediate concern now is to get him eating again as rabbit's digestive systems can stop working after anesthesia.
Hi all,
Right now Guy is at the vets and I'm at home waiting for them tophone me. Guy was taken up there this morning because a noise he was making was identified by the vet yesterday to be an indicator of breathing troubles. This noisehad not lessened any today (he was rather lethargic too I thought). He was left withthe vets this morning and the plan of action was going to be X-Ray's first, then most likely he would be sedated with aneasthetic so his windpipe could be looked at as closely his small rabbit size can allow.
I'd be very grateful for any good thoughts/wishes or prayers for him. I don't want to lose my little Guy.
To give a little background info:-
On Friday me and my family members noticed Guy was makinggrunting noises very frequently. I heard it as the noise he usually makes when pulling poop out to eat it, but he was doing it as he went about his general bunny activities. On Saturday my Dad spoke to a vet who said the noise was most likely a result of Guy being excitied by the female bunny pheremones in the air (he and Ebony are in separate locations in the house currently). Given those comments, I didn't worry very much after that. On Sunday night he was out as usual.
On Monday I was up early getting ready for a job interview I had in London. I was out all day but when I got in, my Bro told me our Dad had taken Guy to the vet earlier in the day. I requested details from my Dad who had mentioned nothing to me (because he didn't want me to worry probably). He told me that in the early afternoon Guy had not been eating and was drinking very little, so he took him to the vets surgery. The vet listened to Guy's breathing and said the noise indicated a partial blockage of Guy's windpipe. An infection was deemedunlikely to be the cause as there was no acompanying runny nose. He was given an antibiotic injection as a precaution/safgeguard but X-Rays and the very likeynecessity of checking his windpipe was mentioned then.The final advice was ifthere was no improvement this morning, he should be brought back in, which is what was done.
Jo xx