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Did you see the highest rabbit litter:

Largest Rabbit Litter
Two New Zealand rabbits havegiven birth to 24 kits, the largest litter. The first, belonging to J.Filek of Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, gave birth in 1978. CypriotDimitri Andreov Hadjiprodromou’s pet had the same number in May, 1999.

Actually, I think that the longetivity of pets'lives does not always depend on care. As it is with people, I think itsjust genes and health.(or destiny)
My grandparents had a dog that lived for 18 years, she was not fedanything special, just the cheapest salami thay could find in a store.The dog ate exactly the same thing every day with maybe some occasionaltreats of ice cream and raw meat.
When they took to put him to sleep, he was very old and had problemseven walking. He could not eat or go to the washroom, so they decidedto put him to sleep.
bumping back up as per Buck's note in the post about nuts being bad for rabbits by Peter.

I think you're partly right, Anna. My mom had acat that lived to be 22 years old. I was actually only 18 when hefinally passed on, so he was even older than me at the time.

*sigh* I still miss that cat sometimes, my whole childhood is filled with memories of him.
I was just talking to my mom and when she wasyounger she had a rabbit that lives until it was 19 years and 3 monthsold and was ment to be snake food for her neighbors python!
Thank you, Lyndsy.

Glad you liked it.

I liked it too. :)

I know (not pesonally, but am chatting with onthe internet) a woman that lives in england that currently has a13year old rabbit, and he is still going strong :)We are secretly hoping that he breaks that record, because that wouldbe the coolest thing in the world.

But that is a very interesting story. You would never think that a wildbun that wasalmost too young to survivewould be theoldest living rabbit :)

Great story xxx

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