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Amy, I know Spice wasn't out for long, but could she have mated with Louie and Ralphie?
It is the only way it could have happened. I would never, ever, ever intentionally breed...who wants the possibility of ending up with over 10 rats? I know they breed quickly, but I didn't think that it could be done THAT quick for her to run out, mate, then run back into her cage. It must have been REAL quick with the 1 minute I left the room.Amy, I know Spice wasn't out for long, but could she have mated with Louie and Ralphie?
Sometimes those minutes are faster than you think.SnowyShiloh wrote:It is the only way it could have happened. I would never, ever, ever intentionally breed...who wants the possibility of ending up with over 10 rats? I know they breed quickly, but I didn't think that it could be done THAT quick for her to run out, mate, then run back into her cage. It must have been REAL quick with the 1 minute I left the room.Amy, I know Spice wasn't out for long, but could she have mated with Louie and Ralphie?
Sometimes those minutes are faster than you think.
Yes keeping them to make me happy with pics!:biggrin2:JadeIcing wrote:Sometimes those minutes are faster than you think.
I know. I feel terrible, but what is done is done :?. I will be keeping most of the litter to make up for it.
SnowyShiloh wrote:It is the only way it could have happened. I would never, ever, ever intentionally breed...who wants the possibility of ending up with over 10 rats? I know they breed quickly, but I didn't think that it could be done THAT quick for her to run out, mate, then run back into her cage. It must have been REAL quick with the 1 minute I left the room.Amy, I know Spice wasn't out for long, but could she have mated with Louie and Ralphie?
I am confused, have you left the litters in the same cage/tank then?
No, that would be quite foolish of me to do.
I would definitely say 4 weeks is fine, 3-3.5 weeks is normal for alot of the rat breeders in our area since they mature so quickly.
Rats should stay with their momma and the rest of their litter until AT LEAST 4 weeks. 3-3.5 weeks is way to young, as they definitely are not matured enough!
As for the curly whiskers thing, I think if you wait it out some of them might grow to be straight.
You can tell right from the second rats are born if they are going to be Rex, Double Rex, or Standard. I haven't heard of the whiskers straightening out. The difference between straight whiskers and curly whiskers are very obvious.
Either way, those babies look HUGE! have you got any pics of the litter compared to Spice?
No, but I will have to take some. She is being a lovely momma and letting me reach right in from under her to take the babies out. A lot of rat mommies are pretty protective. Ohhh...and these bubs are so much smaller than Mint's litter...they are very tiny.
They are all doing well! The little runt boy is lacking behind the other babies, but a lot of the time runts aren't always the healthiest. I do hope he thrives, though, as he is a little doll.How are the older babies? I want to see them too!
So they're all PEWs then?
Some of the babies are PEW's, but they could be Himi once they molt their baby coats. There are a few Siamese in there, as well. I don't have the total count on that, as Siamese coats change from lighter to darker depending on the temperature, it is odd!
Are they nice little babies?
Yes! They are super sweet! A few of them are a little skittish because I think Mint tried to "turn them" on Mint is still pretty skittish and unsure of me. I didn't handle her at all while her babies were growing because she was being VERY jumpy and protective. Once the babies get into their new homes and are spoiled, they will be the mushiest babies! I only hope I can rehome Mint and her last baby girl to a person who understands Mint just needs a little more loving to be perfect.
You're making me want ratties again, I think it would be fun to get 5 girlies all at the same time... As much as I love PEWs, I would never be able to tell 5 of them apart!
DO IT!!!! Ohhh, yes you can tell them apart. Pink, on goosemoose, lives in Alaska and had up to 12 PEWs at a time (I think it was 12)...she marked them all with permanent markers or food coloring until she learned who was who over time by their posture and size.
Luv-bunniz wrote: [/b]I am confused, have you left the litters in the same cage/tank then?
No, that would be quite foolish of me to do.
Why? My parents used to leave 2-3 rat mums in the same cage at a time, they made sure everyone was fed if one of the mums was lacking or something.:?
Edit-Maybe i shouldnt quote this post next time huh? lol. Oh and as for the whiskers it was pretty popular according to my dad in big litters, usually it was the third born in the nest since the mum would give birth to the other babies on top of him/her.