GRRRRRR! Puberty....

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2006
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Denise from Long Island, New York, USA
Ok...I think I have a pre-teen bunny.
Trix has begun peeing in places she shouldn't, as well as pooping outside her cage!

4days ago, I was feeding her fresh hay and pellets. I had herpellet tupperware container on the floor and my back was turned as Iwas filling her hay rack. She started to nibble her pellets from thebowl (awwwww...) which was ok. THEN she HOPS INTO the bowl (awwww) andPEES in said bowl (WHY YOU LITTLE WRACKIN' FRACKIN' RABBIT!) so I hadto dump out ALL her pellets (just refilled that tupperware bowl :X)

Yesterday, as she was in her small cage, (since she got hurt she isbeing confined for 2 weeks) I noticed a lot of poops just outside herlitter box (she was sitting IN her box smirking at me, I could tell)
I put a straw mat down in her cage for her to lay on, to make thingsmore comfy as she serves her 2 week sentence ofR&R.As it is rather large, it covers almost theentire bottom of her little cage, and the litter box sits on top of it. I was saying, she is sitting in her litter box smirking atme and chewing hay and I pick up her PEE-SOAKED poops and put them inher litter box. SHE PEED on her nice, dry, cozy straw mat...TWICE!
I had to throw out the nice, new cozy straw mat.....:mad:which was in her big cage for a long time, happy andpee-free.

SO...what's up with the peeing and pooping? Could it be she's mad at mefor her confinement? (Dr's orders) OR could it be that I got her anewer, high back litter pan and it's too big? She was peeing over theedge of the littler one, which was lower, but narrower - the new one iswider and low in the front and high in back. Its a ferret litter pan(see pic)

I find she is just peeingall over the place in the new pan,notjust the back left corner, like she used to...



mine are doing exactly the same. They weregetting better at peeing and pooping in their litter box ( almost) .But now I think they are going through puberty and have started goingeverywhere!!! They go in their hay box but not in their bowl.Every corner!! Everywhere!! So if you figure anything out, I would begreatful to know as well. Their bedding area walls look like they havegone through the wars!!! :bunnydance:
Can someone PLEASE HELP ME figure out why Trixis peeing everywhere? I woke up this morning and found a puddle of peein her cage next to her litter box! She was hopping around in it!


oops...sorry for the caps......
Oops! Sorry I missed this! Ihad to confine Fey for a few weeks and she was very upset aboutit. She was constantly destroying stuff. I also hadto confine Mocha for two weeks after her spay and she started giving methe "woe is me" act! So Trixie could very well be upset abouther confinement.

It could also be puberty, so she's making sure everything smells as much like her as possible.;)

Can you fit both litterpans in there? Just in case she'srebelling against the new one. I've never had problems withthem not liking new litterpans, buy you never know.
naturestee wrote:
Oops! Sorry I missed this! I had toconfine Fey for a few weeks and she was very upset about it.She was constantly destroying stuff. I also had to confineMocha for two weeks after her spay and she started giving me the "woeis me" act! So Trixie could very well be upset about herconfinement.

It could also be puberty, so she's making sure everything smells as much like her as possible.;)

Can you fit both litterpans in there? Just in case she'srebelling against the new one. I've never had problems withthem not liking new litterpans, buy you never know.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your response. This is really worrying me! Thenew litter box is much wider than the old one. Trix has been peeingeverywhere in that box, not just in the back corner like she used to. Ihave her hay rack hanging above it like always, but she has beenpulling all the hay out into her pan and scattering it. So she sitsfacing the back of the pan (where she used to pee) and pees in thefront of the pan. Then she turns around and pees on the side of thepan. Then the back again. I don't get it!
She went from that, to peeing outside the box. It all seems like acoincidence: puberty + injury + new box + confinement.....I AM SOCONFUSED!

I think Iwill take out the big box and put the old one back,even though she scoots up against the back edge and pees over the edge,I want her back in the habit of peeing in her box....but it shouldntmake a difference what box she uses, right? I wish they could talk!
I know what you mean...sometimes their behaviour can be so confusing!!

I just had to move Maisie's upstairs litterbox because she startedregularly peeing in another spot. So I moved it, and thehayrack because they go together...and last night she took all the hayout of the hayrack and out it where the rack used to be.That's AFTER she spent HOURS of racket trying to move the rack (whichis clipped to the cage)!!

Between that and the cats playing all night, we didn't get any sleep...:(:sleep::no::rollseyes::zzzzz:whatevah

These durn

Hopefully you can figure out what's going on with Trixiesoon. I'm sorry I didn't have any advice to give...justwanted to let you know that you're not alone. :hug:
Last night, after I cleaned and filled it, Fred peed in his water bowl.

I heard the sound of water hitting water, looked down, and saw Fred,who was looking over his shoulder at the now-yellow water in his waterbowl.
Oh wow...what a goof!!

Nadezhda wrote:
Last night, after I cleaned and filled it, Fred peed in his water bowl.

I heard the sound of water hitting water, looked down, and saw Fred,who was looking over his shoulder at the now-yellow water in his waterbowl.
she peed again....outside her litter box...andTHUMPED at me! She wants OUT of her cage, but I can't (doctor's ordersare 2 weeks, she has only served 1 week of her sentence)

Poor Trixie...and poor mommy (late to work. AGAIN)
Gretchen is peeing ininappropriateplaces now too. It may have nothing to do withyourbunny's confinement. I am told that Gretchen hashit puberty!

I am setting up a vet appointment for my girl and trying to keep her off of the placces that she is intent on marking.

Where did my sweet, little cuddle bunny go? :tears2:

(sorry for the caps)

PLEASE HELP....need advice, prozac...ANYTHING....
Ok, I'm gonna give all sorts of ideas...ones that you might have already heard, but we'll say them all just in case.

Have you considered putting hay in the litterboxes? (As bunnies like to do their business as they eat?)

Any way you can just have the entire floor be litterboxes?(I'm thinking you might as well, since she's finding the ONE placethat's not the box.)

As far as her peeing on the you mean your home's floor, or the floor in her cage?

Again, this might be dumb-sounding, but have you read the littertraining thread in Rabbit 101? Maybe it has good ideas thatmight help.

I'm sorry that I don't have a ton of ideas to offer, really, sinceMaisie was litter-trained pretty much since the day she got home, andhas only gone outside the box a handful of times. I know yoursituation is very involved considering the combination of onsethormones and confinement...only one of which I have any experiencewith, and Maisie hasn't sprayed really yet.

I just thought I would at least throw ideas out there that I know of that might help. :)

They might all be things you've heard of before, but I thought I'd take a chance. :)

Somebody might have already said this, but is it possible that your bunny is having trouble getting in the litter box?

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