My nut cases all LoveWatercress , I like it on top ofa salad also . itskina peppery and has a nicetaste . They willactually pass up onlettuce , parsley , and carrot for theWatercress . If they seem bored withgreens try presenting it to them differently . whatI do is make a veggie Burrito forthese nuts , I takea large romaine leave insertparsley, water cress, shredded carrot ,and a tiny piece of driedfruits , ( usually 2 pineapple , 1 craisin , and a papayachip ) Tie it together with a longishpiece or 2 of hay and present it to them. Not only is it good for them,they seem to love opening the package tosee what kind of goody they got today. ( I'm still trying to decide who getsmore excited over it Me or them ) lol .