greens at 6 weeks??

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New Member
Jun 13, 2011
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OIL CITY, Pennsylvania, USA
I just got my young Holland Lop a few days ago, and I was reading the nutrition information which told me that you should begin a transition to greens very slowly starting at 2 months. According to the previous owner who bred him/her, the rabbit is only 6 weeks but she was feeding them greens and before reading the post I also was feeding the bun dandelion greens. The rabbit seems to love them and its poop is it too early to be feeding him greens? Should I stop? :?
If the bunny has already been eating greens it's fine to continue with the existing diet. The issue is a sudden change, so if a young bun had never had any greens it's best to wait until they are a little older to start. I would check exactly what type of green and what quantities so you can keep the diet as close as possible. The same with dry food - you need to stick to the same brand.

6 weeks is a little young to leave home - 8 weeks is better, so you'll need to be extra careful matching the diet and leave making any changes you want until she's grown up a little.
She says she thinks about 6 weeks, but I am not entirely sure since I don't have any growth pictures of Holland Lops to go on. I am taking her at her word. The little one seems to be doing well though. She gives them a fair amount of dandelion greens and grass, but I don't think she gave dark leafy greens or anything else.

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