Great News!!

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:tears2:I tried to answer sooner but Isaw the new pics and started crying. That was the last reaction in theworld I expected to have. But seeing him having so much fun and playingpeek a boo, well, just got me.

I'm so glad he has you and has opened up to you so well. What a Sweetie he is and awesome bunny mom you are.


Awww... Tina thanks! Animalsare really what makes life fun for me... I love playing with them, andworking with them to help them feel more comfortable etc. Ifthere had been any way that I could have worked with animals foremployement I would have done do. But I could never be a vetas I just couldn't "stick them" with needles and such. Andthere just isn't any other animal related options where Ilive. But anyways, enough rambling... Otis is going to charmyou something silly with his happy personality!!



This morning I gave him a toilet paper tube, and he just LOVED it. He was chewin' and chewin',
and when I got him home on sunday I gave him a grass mat.... which hejust loves to chew on as well. I think you may have to invest in somegrass mats for the boy ;)

As well I gave him some toys that my bunnies thought sucked-butt,however, Otis just had a blast with them. He now has one of thosecarrot toss toys, a plastic ring with a plastic apple, pear &something else on it.... as well as a chew toy that I just thought he'dlove. He loves to "toss" the toys and chew.... so I feel better for himtoday.... lots more room to play and lots new things to play with.

I took some pics, so I'll upload them once I get home for ya!!

Awwww, that's so cool. I'm hoping it'sthe same carrot toy because this snobby bunch won't play with it. Ihave alot of toys here for Otis that I bought and this bunch never eventouched. Hopefully Otis will like them. Plus I'm going shoppingSaturday for some last minute supplies and toys for him.

I can't wait for the newest pics. Your pics really capture hispersonality so well. I just want to reach through the monitor andsnugle him. I know it's such a chore:pbut snuggleand kiss him for me.

O'kay time for Otis with Toys!!!







What can I say... the boy LUVS his toys... hehehe :-*
:inlove:W:shock:W, he reallyloves toys. I must order that carrot. I think that's the one toy Idon't have :foreheadsmack:. He gets cuter and cuter every time I seehim. What a sweetheart.

I can't thank you enough for the pics. They definitely cheered me up.


Tina.... don't run out and get the carrot...this one is his now. These are the toys that my bunniesdecided were no good and no fun... so I thought I'd try them on Otis...and well... now they're his... lol!!
Awww Sandra, thank you. I can't get overhow much he loves his toys. That is so cute. OK everything he does iscute me. He is such a sweetie. I love all the picstures and stories. Itsure makes waiting a little easier. I can't wait for him to get herebut I love how much you are both enjoying spending time together.

Snuggle baby boy for me. Give him lots of kisses for me.

He is such a cutie! Tina what a dollyou are getting. I can't wait to see all of you in Breezewood--I'm so excited. I'll give you a call next week(I'm going away for the weekend) to make final plans.

Tina... I ummm.... LOST Otis :shock: Ihad him on the back deck and just went inside the house for a splitsecond... when I got back all that was left was a hole near the fence:tears2:






But in other news... I'd like to introduce our new addition... his name is Duke!

Short for Marmaduke :love:







3Bears wrote:
Tina... I ummm.... LOST Otis :shock: I had him onthe back deck and just went inside the house for a split second... whenI got back all that was left was a hole near the fence :tears2:



.:faint:Oh man, my heart stopped.



But in other news... I'd like to introduce our new addition... his name is Duke!

Short for Marmaduke :love:






:highfive:Nicetry:disgust:. He does kinda look like a sweet little Basset Hound likethat.

He TOTALLY reminds me of a Bassett hound with the way that he "walks" and with his nose to the ground all the time... hehehe

he'sgonna just make youlaugh and laugh when you seehim... he really is just full of p&v as I'm learning the longerhe's at our place. He's VERY eager to get out of his cage andexercise those feet.

I can't wait to hear what you think of the little stinker when he gets there... be sure to update me and post LOTS of pics too


A Basset Hound was the first thing Ithought of when I saw the picture. He looks adorable as a dog and abunny. He is so funny.

Awww, is he rattling his cage to be let out. Or is he bowlingyou over on his way out of the cage. He has so much personality and itcomes through in every picture.

I will be taking tons of pictures of him. I can't wait for thisbunch to finish moulting so I can their pictures. I'm going throughpicture taking withdrawl.

OMG Sandra he is way too cute!!!! I amon the road to Ohio right now to ambush you and steal that gorgeousbunny. I know where Ann lives and Otis is not safe.Be warned!
Yay! Patti is coming! Themore the merrier. Greg is cooking for an army - perfect porktenderloin with roasted vegetables. You are welcome anytime. You know, Kristen has some really cute bunny boys sheis fostering and so do Sue and Keith. I think you need anOhio rabbit instead of Otis.
I just got home a bit ago. We went on ashopping spree. I made the mistake of going to Petco and Walmart. Otisnow has a new feeder, water bottle, blanket aand two toys. I also gotsome bananas. I'm going to bring one for Otis. I know he can't have buta few nibbles but I think he'll be happy with even a few nibbles.

I am getting more excited with each day. I just love the picture. What a sweet baby boy. :inlove:

:bunnydance::bunnydance::bunnydance::elephant::elephant::elephant::bunnydance:7 Days To Go!!


Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chugga, Chew, Chew!!!!!The Otis train is getting ready to leave town again. Just doing thelast minute preps... but not long from now he'll have made his way toOhio.

He's been an absolute pleasure to have... sweet as a button, and yet wrascally as a wrabbit too!! :-*
His whiskers are starting to grow back... lol. And he enjoyed some grass and a couple celery leaves while he was Canadian.

Last night I took some pics of him in his cage (some are dark as my camera was almost out of battery juice)

I took this pic to demonstrate how big his ears are... see how the one is almost completely covering his food... hehehe



He does this really CUUUTE thing where when he eats his pellet, he grabs a few, then sits up like this to munch them.

Some better shots... altho dark


Making a break for it!!


There will be more pics when I get home, but that won't be for a few days.


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