I think I love bunnies more then people! I just realised this today, I was reading and watching videos about the roof collapsing at that rabbit show in Sweden and I cried, so hard. I thought it was devastating. It was weird but I felt like I could feel their pain. Hunger, pain, thirst, cold, terrified, loneliness. I've never felt like that before, it was so weird and I just can't get it off my mind. I have all these pictures going through my head, I don't know.....
Anyway ye probably think I'm going crazy, but ya whenever I hear about incidents like this one, but with humans instead of rabbits, I never cry, ever. I'm just kind of like ''Oh that's sad'' and that is it. I don't know why the incident with the rabbits is any different to me. Or why I feel more for the rabbits then I would if it were humans in that building.
I don't really understand....