Gosh, its getting scary now!!

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OK I'm just trying to draw up my revision timetable and I'm really stuck! Basically for tech I've separated the different topics in my text book and have said what page I will revise that day.

However with english I'm finding it impossible to break the subject down into 'topics'. I thought I should start by re-reading the book, then revise info about the themes, then characters etc but its just so difficult to break down and work out in a time scale!

And the same with genre studies! Argh!
pinksalamander wrote:
I'm guessing Birdsong? :p

Ooo I hate that book!! Yes, we do that as part of our Eng lit synoptic along with other WW1 literature such as Journey's end, the Regeneration trilogy, Strange meeting, Testament of youth etc. There is no strict reading list, we are just supposed to read through things on our own to bring in as wider reading for the exam.

We also study Hamlet (urgh!) and Shelley poetry. We also did our coursework on a Streetcar Named Desire and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's nest. I like most of the things we study, especially the world war 1 literature (although it does get depressing at times!) butI HATE Hamlet with a passion.:grumpy:

Are your lit exams closed text Fran? Ours are and it is so stressful trying to memorise countless books and poems to use at quotations!
Mai_Roberts wrote:
Thanks. :hug2:Im just panicking at the moment with coursework deadlines, ill get there though! Just need to chill out a bit, and get organised.

Yea, the speaking exams are horrible, i ahve french and welsh ones! Luckly, the welsh one is in a pair, and my partner is fab. i love her to bits. She has really helped me focus on the actuel exam. Sadly, the french one is only me. I was typeing up all the questions for it last night... how fun.

I think i need to make a revision time table... thats a good idea! xx
You will be glad of coursework though later, something you can be confident you're getting loads of marks for. :) That's great you get to do the speaking as a pair, I've never heard of that before, it must take off so much of the pressure having each other. I remember the wait before the french oral in that little room, it as so nerve-wracking! But the teacher will be nice and reassuring to you they know how difficult it is for us.

But get your questions all written and marked as soon as possible, and whatever you do don't leave it to a day or two before like I did. D:

I have never in my life followed one revision timetable, lol, they do not work for me, I won't even try this time. xD

We have clean copies. Still the stupid book is so all over the place I still need to memorise quotes or I'll never find them!

I haven't studied any of those! Wider reading is pre-1770 poetry and Surfacing by the loon that is Margaret Atwood.

I'm thinking of diving it up like this:

Re-read and annotate
Do big A3 revision sheets on all major themes
Do big A3 sheets with individual character analysis
Prepare quote banks and divide them into characters and themes....

I can't think of anything else really.... :S
I have nine exams in summer. :twitch: Even though I already did three modules in January. Thank God I didn't have to repeat any of them. And of course Physics the last exam, again, I'm in right until the 19th of June, most people finish on the 12th. :X
My exams are 19th May, 12th June, 12th June and 18th June, so all pretty spread out apart from two on the same day :(

Hopefully I should ace my Genre studies exam though as its my last exam.

I've almost finished my revision timetable. I've set it out into 20 minute or less chunks every week day from 6th April (easter holidays) until about 4 days before the exam, the 4 days is my contingency or time just to re read notes and catch up on what I don't feel prepared about.
My exams are on 11 May, 8 June (two exams), 10 June, 11 June, 12 June, 15 June and 18 June. Urgh! I have quite a bad run at the end there...:rollseyes

I haven't made a revision timetable, I'm with you Michaela - they just don't work for me! I have, however, started making revision notes; and come Easter holidays I am going to make myself revise every day. Especially for my early exam as we only go on study leave on May 22nd!:grumpy:

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