Goodbye my sweet baby Milly

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I feel so honoured to of known Milly, my bun gave me so much love in 7 short weeks. I miss him so much it breaks my heart everytime I think of him.

I have never experienced as much love from any other animal. Yes I have loved 2 other animals as much as Milly, Amber - baby piggie and Kam - dog. But I have never been given so much love in return.

I have a long way to go in order to gain Hopes trust, she is that fragile I don't like to hold her too much. One day I may have the same relationship with her, only time will tell.

I love you Milly-Pants, I miss you so much baby boy. x

Sorry for repeating myself but I have no one who understands how I'm feeling, this is the only place I can vent my feeling.
You're not repeating yourself at all, and even if you were, it's ok for many reasons. With grief it is important to keep talking about it if you can, so it's good you are talking about it on here. Also, even though you feel you are repeating, each time you say it, it is different, so it's not a repeat. Just say whatever you feel you need to.

Love takes time to grow, be patient with Hope, and allow yourself to grieve, but remember that she might never give love back because bucks do tend to be soppier than does (in my experience), but she can certainly be your friend :)
ellissian wrote:
Hope seems happy she is quietly purring on my knee.
That's good :) Bunnies tend to be more appreciative of good thigns when they have come from something worse, like people I guess.
I am so sorry, i lost my heart bunny in December and i still won't let any bun near his little bed he had, i even took it to bed with me a few nights after i lost him when i was feeling really down, it does get easier, but you will never forget him and he will always be special. I thank Dido because without him i would never have fallen so in love with bunnies and even though his time has passed he will always be remembered through the other buns and all my wonderful memories, but it takes time.

Sorry for venting again but this is the only place I'm allowed to.

It has been one week since I lost my baby boy. The pain is still a raw as last week.

I still cannot believe he has been taken from me so soon, it seems so unfair. That was not how is was supposed to be, he was supposed to grow his fur back and live a long happy life with me. I dont know what I did so wrong, Milly I'm so sorry for any mistakes I may of done.

I love you so much baby boy x
I felt guilty too when my Dudley died... And sometimes I still do....Its not your fault....You did everything you could do for him... He had problems from the start... And the best thing you did for him was you loved him.....It will get easier with time.... I still have my bad days when I sit and cry... and I know thats ok... its part of the greiving process... My prayers are with you.... and you vent all you need to... because it helps... Sending hugs your way...

Becky:pink iris:
Thank you to everyone for being there, it really does mean a lot.

I have never felt so much pain over losing a rabbit before. I hope I never feel like this again. I know Hope needs me and I would never of gotten her if Milly was still here, but I still want him back so much.
I thought I'd better move over to here since the conversation has turned non medical.

I know it helps to talk about things and as I've mentioned before this is the only place I can do so.

I just don't want people to get sick of me moaning on and on. When other people have lost their buns are not talking about it all the time.

I also feel like I am opening up old wounds for others, reminding them of their loss, which is not my intention.

I just want the impossible and have my Milly back.

As you can probably tell I talk too much, I'm even worse in real life. :)
People deal with grief in different ways, some people are open, some talk to close friends, some block it out, some write about it, some people do totally different things, and they are all ok, so please don't feel bad about talking.

People know when reading threads, particularly those here in RB that it could be painful to read, and that is their choice. Mostlikely, people who think they might be troubled by the threads like this, won't read them, but you know you can always e-mail me if you are worried about opening wounds for others, I'm always more than happy to 'listen'.

Milly can never come back, but he will always be alive in your heart and memories. Also, you will see his characteristics in other buns, and that in itself, with time, will become a pleasure.
I know you are there and I'm glad. Thank you :)

You would never guess I'm one of those people who talk about things would you! ;)

I do know deep down I will feel better with time. I've loved and lost this deep before. I always feel the hardest loss to cope with is the ones you least expected and those of very young animals like Milly.

I am grateful I found this forum to meet so many people who understand and care for others. :)
To be honest, talking about it is far better than holding it in. I actually envy the fact you can talk about it, and be open about it, because I can't and it's caused me chaos throughout my whole life. I guess that's why I keep trying to reassure you that it's ok to talk, because clamming up hurts a hell of a lot and can cause all sorts of problems.

It's good you know that it will ease with time, that will hopefully bring you some hope.

I fully agree with the bit about losing young animals or losing animals in an unexpected way us harder. Between Dec 05-Mar 07, we lost 5 bunnies, and they were all young and unexpected, apart from one who was nearly 12 and that was the easiest to deal with because his time had come.

I hear what you're saying, I really do. And I'm glad you found this forum too :)
You really should try and talk about things too.

As you already know I have lost 11 guinea pigs since january with 9 of them being babies. Yet although I was upset and unconsolable at times and they all have a special place in my heart. I find it strange that one little bunny can hurt more than all of them put together!

I don't understand that.
It's been 2 weeks since I lost my Milly and it still hurts so bad.

Hope makes me happy at times she is a funny bunny, but then I feel guilty for having fun and loving her when Milly is'nt here anymore.

When I first brought Milly home I never expected to love him as much as I did. I did'nt even want a rabbit but I knew no one wanted him so I took him home and ended up loving him more than I ever imagined.

I have so much guilt again for lots of reasons. I hope he knew how I felt about him and I hope he is happy were ever he is.

I love you my Milly boy x

I apologise for repeating myself, somehow it makes me feel a bit better writing things down.
Just thought I would post a few pics of my Milly boy, just to remind me how beautiful he was to me.

Even when he was all bald! :)

I'm starting to heal now, I feel a lot better in myself. Yes, I still miss and love him loads but I need to start sort of moving on in a way.

Annoying Keyra cat!


Sleeping with me.


Being all nosey.


His favourite passtime.....eating!


And just being my beautiful little baby boy.


I had never seen Milly before! He was such a handsome guy! It's really high time you started leaving it back!I bet he was special! A bunny sleeping with you in such a short time of acquintance is reaaaaly special! Now ive all your love to your other bunny and your critters and maybe Milly will send you a "Milly 2" some time! Who knows?

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