Good thoughts please for my horse :(

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Thanks cheryl. I sure agree with you! I think back and how sweet Kota really is and seeing his owner's daughter (she's my age) take a pitchfork and smack him to make him move back into the corner of his stall so she could pick it.

This horse is a big baby! he loves people. He ate a ball off a Santa hat one year! LOL!

How could someone not like him is beyond me. Everyone loves him!
Thumpers_Mom wrote:
Oh Dakota is GORGEOUS! :inlove:I love horses...heck, I have a tatoo of one on my back!:biggrin2:

How is he feeling today Bo? My thoughts and prayers are with you all.:pray:

You should post a pic of your tattoo of the horsie! I want a tattoo of my girly on my but I'm too young right now.

I'm glad he's feeling better, BBB! My horse's owner has another horse who is a hard keeper, plus she's 25 years old and an Arab, so it's hard to keep weight on her and she hates the rain...but she's getting better thankfully. I learned how to do some important riding on her and I would hate to see her go since I just met her last summer! But I have known how to ride since oh i was 3 years old?


Arabs tend to have a hard time keeping on weight - or at least the ones I know do. They are high strung I think.

My daughter's friend has one that is just gorgeous and has a mane that's never been cut! So cool!
I think they do too, BBB. My mare's mane is so short, lol! I barely have anything to hold onto when I jump her! hehe. I almost always "almost" go over her neck/head because she has such bounce when she jumps and I guess I can't keep my seat very good, lol. I'm seeing her on Sunday, so I'm going to try my jumping seat, and stuff cuz I don't wanna fall off! I am also going to be jumping about 2 feet, HOPEFULLY. lol.

Oh BBB, it was hilarous....a few days ago I had my english saddle on a different stand than the one it's currently on. It was actually on a very sturdy, wide cat tree. Well I had it strapped on..i hopped on it and was practicing my jumping i was actually on my mare and jumping...well i went up over and DOWN! luckily i caught myself or I would have hurt my head, possibly cracked it open on my desk. But my sister and I couldn't stop laughing. I had to, of course, make shure my saddle was ok, lol. It's like my baby. I freak if anyone/anything touches it!
