Good thoughts needed for Benjamin

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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2007
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Durham, NC, USA
Hi guys, just wanted to ask you to think of my sweet Benjamin who is at the vet's today. He had a URI back in June that was taken care of with antibiotics, but it came back in early November. We treated again with antibiotics, but he continued to sneeze although the sneeze became unproductive (no mucus). We tried a number of things, including a humidifier, switching hay brands, and antihistamines, all without much improvement. Today he's getting lots of bloodwork done, plus dental x-rays and chest x-rays (to check for a LRI), and tooth trimming if needed. I am worried about my little boy--I've only had to have one bunny go under anesthesia before and that was back in 2008 when Ben got neutered. He's still young and healthy, so I know I shouldn't worry, but he's been eating a bit less and getting a bit sensitive to gas lately. He's probably 2.5-3 years old, and he's the sweetest one of the bunch. Frida is there so she can take care of him when he wakes up.

This is Benjamin

And with Frida

Thanks guys. It's actually not great news. The vet thinks he has a thymoma, which is a tumor on the thymus. That's an organ that's involved in the immune system, and cancer of it is pretty common in rabbits.

It's unfortunately located right next to the heart and lungs, so the tumor is putting pressure on them and the trachea, which is what's causing him to sneeze. I have been reading a lot on this, and there are options, although surgery (which is usually best to treat cancer) is not commonly done for this. Radiation and chemotherapy are done, but we aren't sure what we can afford, although the vet school here is well-known for treating veterinary cancer (but more for dogs).

We're currently looking for a local vet that will do an ultrasound-guided needle aspiration of the tumor so they can get some cells to look at and determine if the tumor is cancerous or what. From there we'll have to look at what treatment options there are, and decide what's best. :(

It's not good news, but Ben is still a happy little dude. If you didn't know that he had a sneezing fit about every 2 hours, you wouldn't know he was ill. Lots of binkies, loves to eat, chases his girlfriend. He isn't very good at putting on weight though.
I am so sorry Claire! I hope that the tumor isn't cancerous. I will keep Ben and you in my prayers! May he and you get through this ordeal.
I'm so sorry, Claire! Did it appear to be a lump with definite margins, or is it hard to tell? I hope you can find a vet to help you. That's such a tricky spot to be sticking a needle into.

FYI, my dwarf Mocha wasn't good at keeping weight on until she was around 5. Now I have to watch it with the treats and pumpkin or she chunks up. So that might be more from his breed and activity level.

Hugs to you and the buns!
Thanks all. I have been finding a lot online about it, including somebody who had it treated at the vet school here. It was pretty well defined, but we'll have to see who can do cytology on it and what treatment options they think are good.

I really only worry about Ben's weight because Frida's getting a bit chunky, and he's quite lean, though they share food. She might be getting more--he takes tiny bites and she's a bit possessive of the food.
you are in my prayers. am almost cetain this is what Bownie had. the x-ray showed only a tiny portion left for him to breathe, it broke our hearts.
I've been away too long, Claire, as I've been focused on rescue and our crew. I hope there are options available for lil' boy Benjamin. (Safe and life-focused options). I wonder what the vet school will say, and his cytology report.

Karla was diagnosed with a malignant tumor - and option is an amputation of her leg/foot. We will not go that route. I am trying essential oils lavendar and frankincense on her, as per the essential oils gal I communicate with. I keep ears open for western culture & eastern or alternative treatment. When I accidentally burn my fingers or hands on the stove (a kettle, thinking it's cool not hot), lavendar oil *Immediately* takes away the burn pain. If we do nothing for Karla, the cells will metasticize to her lungs. It is worth a try for my disabled sweetie, for the Q.O.L. time she has remaining. Karla had lost a few ounces although she chooses to eat well at this time.

They are little angels of innocent magnitude. Treasure every day and never avoid a minute of hug time with your babies. My thoughts are with you :hearts and Benjamin, and Frida and loved ones.

tonyshuman just thought i would come and say that the vet said brownie's tumor was benign ..those were the most heart wrenching x-rays I ever saw.this dang thing was a "white out"
I am praying for your little precious Benjamin
Thanks guys for your support. Ben had the needle aspiration done today and is doing fine, other than greasy hair on his head from the eye drops and a shaved armpit where they did the sonogram. It will take a few days to get the results of the cytology report back. We're hoping for good news. I have found a story of someone who had this type of cancer treated here at the UW vet school in the 2010 calendar year, with chemotherapy and radiation, and not only survived the treatment but did well. It is good to know that we have people nearby who have treated it successfully.

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