Good thoughts and Prayers needed

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I am so very sorry about Spice. :sad:You are a great Bunny Mom and you gave her a very good life while she was with you. She knew how much she was loved.... :hug2:

Please let us know what the vet finds out... Give Cami a hug from me.

:rainbow: Binky free Spice....

(I moved it Rosie... felt it would be better here... )
jupiterannette wrote:
waht exactly is it? the other buns are not syblings... but were near her.. and her syblings are witht he breader, i presume?!?

Hmm. Last time I googled it, I came up with loads of stuff, but now, all I can find is stuff saying that it's not real, etc, and is a name like 'snuffles' to identify something like EC, however, I had a bun who had it three times before she was 8 months and then lived to be 6 with no more problems, so that doesn't make sense to me. Sorry that's really unhelpful to you though.

I'll keep trying to look for what I found before, but it's probably irrelevent. I hope that the tests results show it's nothing contagious or anything.

Take care.

Edit, I found this.

'Vitamin A toxicosis and vitamin E deficiency was diagnosed in a commercial rabbit-breeding colony and was associated with reproductive abnormalities, abortions, and poor survivability of kits in the breeding colony. Paresis and muscular dystrophy were noted in juvenile rabbits. ' from

I've now found a lot of formal documents after googling 'vitamin E deficiency, rabbits' that atlk about vit E deficiency causing paresis in juveniles. But again, not sure it's relevent in this case.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

some pics... of my spice-icle!






so young.
i'm so sorry. spice was so beautiful, and i imagine her sleeping on a grasy meadow like she did in that pic of her on her bed.

too soon.:(

This is just not fair. We've had so many losses. I'm so sorry. She was just precious and I know you will miss her terribly.

:cry4: Oh God, Jupiterannette...I'm so so sorry. I just learned about Spice passing away and my heart is breaking for you. I can't imagine how horrible it was for you to experience such a quick and difficult passing.

She really is beautiful. She reminds me of my rabbit Cali. Whata Love she is - you can see it in her expressions. I'mgrateful that she had you in her short time on this earth. Nothing but the best for Spice!

I will continue to think and pray for you. I know that words can't take away your pain, but I had to tell you how deeply sorry I am that she couldn't stay with you. So very very sorry. :sad:

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