Good GRAVY! ... Vanilla Flavoring/Extract Works!!!

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FreddysMom wrote:
Nicky Snow wrote:
justbought some vanilla extract last night. none of the munchkins seemedkeen on it. i noticed ingredients contained alcohol. is that bad forthe bunnies? it just makes them a lil tipsy! LOL

...j/k ...its such a small amt. when you dilute it in the water that there no effect from it.
Imagine a bunch of drunken bunnies :groupparty:

If the alcohol is a concern use use the imitation extract instead of the pure extract.

Nicky Snow wrote:
just bought some vanilla extract last night. none of themunchkins seemed keen on it. i noticed ingredients contained that bad for the bunnies?

As Buck answered about this a while ago:

"No wonder our buns just love the vanilla flavored water?That probably explains why they stagger about and bump into things aswell. I swear I hear them singing in chorus sometimes, but aswe all know, rabbits can't hold a tune very well. LOL

Interesting point, Donna, although I suspect that diluted as it is,little harm will result, much like a couple of drops of bleach in thewater decreases algae but does not seem to have any detrimental effecton the buns.

Having said that, it would seem cheaper is better in this instance, though. Thank you for your input.


Nicky Snow wrote:
Thanks all. i'm a little worrywort.



Nothing wrong with that! If you have a concern, you shouldcertainly ask and if you read what trekcip said in the post I linkedfor Buck's response, you'll see that your concern was a valid one.


Carolyn, this forum is invaluable!!! i not onlycan find info i need with the search, but i also feel very welcome toask any questions i have.



Thanks, Nicole :hug:

We don't learn unless people ask.

We do have a very solid archive base. I find myself using the search button as well because I remember conversations.

I'm glad we were able to help with your question this time. I hope we'll have an answer for you next time.

Thank you for being such a valuable and enjoyable member of this forum. Your contributions are many.


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