Hey Michaela, I'm sort of vegetarian (maybe you'd call me vegetarian/fishetarian/dairytarian

). I cut meat out of my diet a few years ago, but still do eat fish once a week or so, and I still have dairy - although it seems I'm being forced to cut dairy out too, as it doesn't agree with me.
The hardest part I found at first was both eating out, and eating at a family member's house, because - even though I voluntarily became vegetarian - I love meat. Was raised on it, and I used to love a good, thick, rare steak. Chicken was also a favorite of mine as well, and it was hard to swear it off while sitting at a table surrounded by it. However, if you truly do feel that vegetarian is the route for you, there are a lot of great vegetarian recipes out there, both in books and on the Internet. (SnowShiloh suggested allrecipes.com, and I agree...that's a great site for recipes. One thing you could do there is use their search engine...just key in a veggie that you do enjoy eating and search for it, you'll find all sorts of recipes using that particular vegetable.)
I used to think that cooking vegetarian meant hours of preparation time, etc., but if you search, you'll find a lot of recipes that taste yummy and are easy to make. You might want to ease your way into it too if you find it hard to become vegetarian all at once. I did it cold turkey (pardon the expression), with one ironic exception...turkey. For the first two years I did give in and ate turkey at Christmas, since my sister always cooked a huge turkey dinner for the family, but a couple of years ago I finally decided I could no longer eat that either, and gave it up completely. (Now if only I could give up coffee too...

Maybe you could make a list of the foods you do like here, and people could suggest some recipes for you..
All the best on your venture!