Going vegan.

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I think soy is great..but I think its hilarious when people bash on it as being "bad" or only good in "moderation" when people drink another animals milk (Which we are the only animal to do this willingly) even thoug we are ALL intolerant of milk, just in different levels. Yes, milk isn't good for you techinically either!
I've posted a few times on veggieboards, but I mostly read, because of the sometimes-abrasiveness!

Amy and Jessyka, I've added both of you. :)

Myia, I pretty much believe there are a lot of things that are perfectly fine "in moderation," but maybe not so much in large quantities. For me this is more an issue that I like variety, and I don't think it's healthy to eat the same thing all the time. If that makes sense, LOL! :)
Almost anything is bad for you in excess, and unfortunately a lot of veg*ns eat soy in true excess - soy milk, soy cheese, soy meat, soy codiments, soy beans, soy chips, soy everything! There's good evidence that this can be bad for you, so I do think it's reasonable to advise it be in moderation, even if people do other silly dietary things like drink milk after weaning ;)

Veggieboards is abrasive too, eh? I've given up on veg*n forums, too many intolerant, opinionated, nasty people. I was on Vegan Freaks, which is probably one of the most abrasive and uptight vegan forums you can be on. I almost got banned for "racism" for saying that some rapper caught dog fighting (I forget who) promoted "gang culture" and dogfighting in his music. He literally had an entire album of songs about being a gangster, including dog fighting references. Wth!
They've been really helpful in helping me sort through BS information and legitimate stuff. I like it so far, I just stay away from the debate threads. A lot of them have that I am a better veg*n than you and I'm in more politically outspoken facebook groups than you attitude. Get over yourself.

:foreheadsmack:Some of them are also rabid PETA supporters who approve things like firebombing medical research facilities and assaulting people who don't agree with them. Fanatics about anything are almost always never a good thing. Despite all of the crap that goes on, they are very helpful if you can stomach the attitude. I'm not used to being apart of forums where they require you to post under a screen name (other than RO), so it's a whole new world for me. I went from NO RULES, to STRICT RULES. :shock:
I'm sorry to hear that, Jess- my twin sister has IBS too, and I know how she suffers.
Fortunately, however (well, actually I'm not entirely sure if this IS fortunate or not), hers is stress-related, and not diet-related.
She's on meds for it, and will be for the rest of her life, but right now we are trying to sort out the stress management for her, before anything else happens.

I really respect people who are vegetarians, becuase I totally agree with the principle. The way we humans eat meat is SO unnatural- farms and farms of tortured animals for our benefits....... whereas a tiger will chase a prey, catch it, kill it, and eat it. Obviously there are a few exceptions (pythons, for example (we just learnt today in one of my lectures)obviously asphyxiate their prey, but not to the point of death, in many occasions- just to unconsciousness, so the prey has every likelihood of waking up as it's being squeezed down the snake's oesophagus. EEK or what!), and some animals die in horrible ways at the hands of their predators, but generally we are the absolute worst, and the only ones with morales and knowledge of it being "wrong".

I love love love all food (except peanuts :)- thats it), and am the easiest person to please. I love a macdonalds, and I love a gourmet meal, I love any type of meat at all, any part eg. kidney etc. and just..well anything!! I love allllll veggies and happily get my 5 a day atleast!
But to try and ease my consience I always buy free range eggs and meat. It's expensive, for me being a student, but I literally can't pick up a pack of battery eggs when there are free range so easily accessable. Obviously this is MUCH harder when eating out etc. because you can't tell if the animal is free range. I mean....do Prezzo use free range chicken? I doubt it...but you never know.

I just try and do my best. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion due to cost/budget/lifestyle etc. cos you don't know what everyone's life is like.

My sister is the total opposite to me- she NEVER eats meat, because she just doesn't really like the taste. She makes herself wonderful vegetarian meals- butternut squash risotto Jess!! It's the nicest thing you'll ever have. Her meals always look so vibrant and colourful.

There are so many wonderful vegan variations to lovely, classic meals, and I'm sure as you look through more and more sites (and books are fabulous too- try "Living Vegan For Dummies"- these are always great), you'll find great recipes that are inkeeping with your dietry issues.

Jen :)

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