I take that back and sincerest apologies. I, after reading your comment, talked with my local vet and even though there have been outbreaks of diseases with vaccines abroad there's nothing available in the USA.
Here are the ones to look out for:
Myxomatosis- The virus is commonly confused with Pasteurella. Outbreaks in California, no vaccine available.
Rabbit Viral Hemorrhagic Disease (VHD). Outbreaks in the Midwest in this century (2000-). No vaccines available.
Rabies - Nothing approved for rabbits so keeping them away from anything that could carry fleas and ticks is advised.
As for the influenza viruses, nothing available yet. I know this from personal experience because I contracted the flu since my kits were kindled. I had to stay away from handling my rabbits in case it was transmissible. That was hard.
I was under the impression that there were shots available but the FDA... haha urgh.
Once again my apologies.