Going to hospital tomorrow- wish me luck!

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mouse_chalk wrote:
What's TMJ? I can move my mouth a bit more but when I do, my tongue (which isn't at all numb) feels really tingly. It's odd :expressionless

OMG! that's exactly how I was for the longest time! I was awake but you were asleep so you didn't feel it but I bet they hit your nerve. I felt this sharp, electricity type feeling then numb for about 2 min and then not numb.... I was given MORE numbing and it didn't work right.... so he did a different thing and it did. (I had a tooth removed) and then..... for the longest time my jaw hurt. If I open my jaw really wide now - it feels sore. There have been people with permenant damage but you would know about that by now.

TMJ is the Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders. I have always grinded my teeth at night. I clinch mostly. This had not only caused me headaches, ear problems, and jaw pain - I've lost or had to repair a lot of my back teeth!
If I remember correctly, I wrapped a hot rice pack or heating pad around my jaw after the ice didn't help anymore (after a few days). Muscle pain sticks around for awhile (from opening your jaw funny during the extraction). It helped me sleep. :)
Bo B Bunny wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
What's TMJ? I can move my mouth a bit more but when I do, my tongue (which isn't at all numb) feels really tingly. It's odd :expressionless

OMG! that's exactly how I was for the longest time! I was awake but you were asleep so you didn't feel it but I bet they hit your nerve. I felt this sharp, electricity type feeling then numb for about 2 min and then not numb.... I was given MORE numbing and it didn't work right.... so he did a different thing and it did. (I had a tooth removed) and then..... for the longest time my jaw hurt. If I open my jaw really wide now - it feels sore. There have been people with permenant damage but you would know about that by now.

TMJ is the Temporomandibular Joint and Muscle Disorders. I have always grinded my teeth at night. I clinch mostly. This had not only caused me headaches, ear problems, and jaw pain - I've lost or had to repair a lot of my back teeth!

Yes! That's it- an electricity type thing. If I open my mouth more than a little bit, I get what sort of feels like a little electric shock down one side of my tongue, and it kind of feels like its pulling it. I can't run my tongue over my top front teeth like I used to be able to. And on the same side as my funny numb tongue, my chin is completely numb as well. Can't feel a thing when I touch it, yet all the feeling is fine everywhere else in my face. They did warn me that sometimes they can hit a nerve and it can cause temporary numbness that doesn't last too long, but sometimes it can be permenant :expressionless

I guess I'll give them a call on Monday and see what they say.. I've never had TMJ, or ground my teeth that I've been aware of! I've never even had a proper filling or anything up until now lol.

I slept about 2 hours last night- that makes about 6 hours since I got up on Wednesday morning! :cry1:I was wide awake at 4am.

Dotty is still being so gentle with me! She has been jumping up the little pet staircase really slowly, instead of flying up and landing on my head, and just snuggling up really carefully against me. She's been staying longer as well. This morning she was up at about 5.30am and was there until nearly 7, and then came back up later on for another hour too :)

The pain is so bad still :(:cry1: I'm running out of tramadol so I've been restricting it, and I've only taken it once today, but it hurts SO much that I don't know what to do now :? I thought it would be better by now and I would be off painkillers, but at this rate I'll be having to try and get more from my doctor on Monday!

I did go and get my hair done though. I felt terrible and kept nearly passing out in the chair, but it did cheer me up to have a bit of pampering. I now have highights! I'll post pics in a bit in a different thread maybe...

Kelly, I've not tried a heat pack or anything! I wonder if that might help. I'm scared to make a rice sock because the last time I tried, somehow a hole burnt in the sock and my kitchen smelt of burnt rice for weeks after :? Might look for the hot water bottle instead! :p
My friend is getting her wisdom teeth out Monday, sounds like she is in for a surprise! I have had teeth out before but I never got any pain.
irishbunny wrote:
My friend is getting her wisdom teeth out Monday, sounds like she is in for a surprise! I have had teeth out before but I never got any pain.
Are they the top or bottom ones? I've had a top one out before and it was absolutely fine, barely any pain at all!

I think mine are hurting so much because they weren't through the gums much at all, so they were a lot more difficult to get out...
I had a bottom tooth out before because I bashed it up, but it was a baby tooth so it probably wasn't too difficult to get out, this was a few years ago.

I didn't have to get stiches or anything like you, ouch! I hope my friend doesn't either, because we have really big exams starting 8 days after!
I had mine done in 2 sessions. All just under freezing we did 2 at a time. I was given T3's for the pain but they didn't seem to do anything. So i took extra strength IB Profine(SP). I had a bit of swelling for the first few days then I was back to normal, my usual grumpy self.
Jen, hope you are feeling better each day - I had four impacted wisdom teeth removed in the hospital and it was not fun but I survived...and you have the added benefit of "medicine" from Dotty...


(We should be a week or so from being able to pick up Jared and his ladies.... will keep you posted!)
Jen, it sure sounds like they hit that nerve. I was like that for a while but it slowly got better - I had to be careful for a longer time when I opened to eat. The tongue thing should be going away sooner tho - I think it was about a week. Isn't that weird?

Also, that Dotty has been such a wonderful bunny. She truly senses your feelings I think. I love snuggly bunners!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
Jen, it sure sounds like they hit that nerve. I was like that for a while but it slowly got better - I had to be careful for a longer time when I opened to eat. The tongue thing should be going away sooner tho - I think it was about a week. Isn't that weird?

Also, that Dotty has been such a wonderful bunny. She truly senses your feelings I think. I love snuggly bunners!
Yes, I think it sounds like they did as well :( I'm probably going to call the Oral Surgery unit when they reopen on Tuesday (it's a holiday here tomorrow so they'll be closed) and see what they say... There's a bit of my chin next to the numb bit that isn't near where the teeth came out, and that's really swollen as well, and really sore:?

I slept a bit last night, but woke up in so much pain this morning- much worse than before, so I took loads of painkillers and have slept on and off most of the day on the sofa. The bunnies went to play outside in the sun without me! :p

Steve made me mac and cheese tonight that I ate with a teaspoon. It was nice to eat something a bit more filling, but I couldn't manage all that much of it :(

I'm really running out of painkillers now, by tomorrow I'll be down to just anti-inflammatories and no tramadol :cry2 Ouchies!
Luvr of Wabbits and Polar Bears wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote"
I'm running out of tramadol
How did I miss this. Your taking the same meds as Monsters lol. How does yours taste? Her's is a liquid suspension that should taste like sour apple flavored liver yuk but she likes it.
Mine is in 50mg capsules, so it doesn't taste of anything! It's very strong. Makes me feel very woozy and drowsy. But it does work quite well with the pain, when I have enough to take them on a regular basis :(
kherrmann3 wrote:
Did you try a warm pack of some sort? :p
I did! But all I could find was my hot water bottle. It was a pain to hold up unless I was lying down and held it on that side, which then hurt my face.... Plus I got all hot and sweaty but had no pain relief... Plus it was REALLY hot outside today so therefore really hot inside and it wasn't too comfortable...

Gosh I sound like a whingey teenager! :p But yeah, didn't work for me sadly :(
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. My electric heating pad was my savior after the first few days. It helped the muscle soreness. All I can say is to keep up the liquid diet! Keep the pudding coming! :p
I *think* that the worst is over! Sort of!

It's definitely a lot less painful today, even though I don't have the tramadol anymore. (I still have a couple left, but I'm saving them up for the really painful times lol). Yesterday it was horrid and I was miserable, but then I found some diclufenic which is stronger than the stuff I have been buying over the counter, and took that, and it worked! Hurrah!

I do have this HORRIBLE taste in one side of my mouth though, where the stitches are. Nothing I drink or eat will get rid of the taste at all.... It tastes rotten or something.... :yuck

My mum had a dentist appointment, and coincidentally we have the same dentist so she asked him about the numbness and the funny painful tongue feeling. Apparently it's totally normal, as they quite often bruise(?) the lingual nerve, I think it is, and it can take at least a couple of weeks, if not a few months to recover. Great! :rollseyes

I can eat slightly more solid things though, like noodles, pasta etc. Nothing crunchy though, or any meat as it's too chewy. Oh how I long for a stick of celery, or roast chicken!!
mouse_chalk wrote:
I *think* that the worst is over! Sort of!

It's definitely a lot less painful today, even though I don't have the tramadol anymore. (I still have a couple left, but I'm saving them up for the really painful times lol). Yesterday it was horrid and I was miserable, but then I found some diclufenic which is stronger than the stuff I have been buying over the counter, and took that, and it worked! Hurrah!

I do have this HORRIBLE taste in one side of my mouth though, where the stitches are. Nothing I drink or eat will get rid of the taste at all.... It tastes rotten or something.... :yuck

My mum had a dentist appointment, and coincidentally we have the same dentist so she asked him about the numbness and the funny painful tongue feeling. Apparently it's totally normal, as they quite often bruise(?) the lingual nerve, I think it is, and it can take at least a couple of weeks, if not a few months to recover. Great! :rollseyes

I can eat slightly more solid things though, like noodles, pasta etc. Nothing crunchy though, or any meat as it's too chewy. Oh how I long for a stick of celery, or roast chicken!!
Also known as STABBING it when they bruise it LOL! Yep.
Bo B Bunny wrote:
mouse_chalk wrote:
feeling. Apparently it's totally normal, as they quite often bruise(?) the lingual nerve, I think it is, and it can take at least a couple of weeks, if not a few months to recover. Great! :rollseyes
Also known as STABBING it when they bruise it LOL! Yep.
OUCH!!! :nerves1

Every day I am thankful that I went for a general anaesthetic!
My friend had her wisdom teeth out w/o general anesthetic. They just numbed her and went to work. She had a strong dose of Valium, though, so she doesn't really remember much.

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