Going to get my bunny in 1 hour

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Jan 26, 2008
Reaction score
, New York, USA
Hi everyone, I am just about to go pick up my white giant flemish rabbit. I have his area all set up and I just need to go pick him up, any advice will be appreciated, haven't had a rabbit is a very long time.
Hallo and welcome!

It must be so exiting for you, I hope this 1 hour of anticipation passes quickly!

We have a lot of flemish giant lovers and breeders here, so, if you need any specific info on this breed, the members will be more than happy to advise you on anything you may wish.In regard to issues asgeneral care, health issues, litter-training, behaviour, dietetc. etc., there is a wealth of information in our very big Library here, so, if you go and check on its contents, I'm sure you're going to cover a lot ofmatters you may have questions on. If you have any specific queries, do post a thread. You'll get a lot of valuable information from many experienced people here.

When you get your bun, we shall definitely want to see photos!

How exciting!!!! I can't wait to hear about your new bunny!
congrats! is your name tracy (guessing from tracyone)? my name is tracy too!!!! congratulations on the new addition to your family, please post pics later! i'm a little late, so by now, your baby is home with you!

the forum has a ton of advice and tips for what to do with a new bunner in the house. also, you will find many flemish giant breeders and lovers all over the place that would love to help you out with any breed specific questions.

good luck!!!!

Hi there and congrats! We love Flemmies!

Just some suggestions- be sure to ask what kind of food he's on and see if they will give you a cup to get him started. You'll want to either keep him on the same kind of food (if its a good pellet, ie no colored bits and pieces) or phase him off that and on to a new kind. They can refuse to eat if you just switch them right away.

Also, make sure you have some Timothy hay on hand for him to munch on.

I like to keep things quiet for a bunny for the first night in a new place- remember as much as you want to play and snuggle he's a prey animal and might be scared. He'll let you know. :)

Congrats and I cant wait to see pics of your new bunny boy :)
wow what a friendly reply from everyone. So he is now home, we haven't yet decided on a name for him. The breeder gave me some food and told me where locally I could buy some. He is the sweetest thing ever. I opened his cage door and he came right out and cuddled me, it was so amazing, everytime you open the door he comes right out to say hello and he is using his litter box to pee in. I am already so in love with him. Once I get my camera hooked up to the computer I will post a pic, just picture a giant marshmellow with red eyes.
Welcome to the forum!

As soon as you get that camera hooked up you need to post LOTS and LOTS of pictures! We love pictures here :). If you need help with some names maybe after you post some pictures you can get an idea from some people here or post a poll if you have it down to a few names you really like. People are really helpful here.

Enjoy your new baby!
tracyone99 wrote:
just picture a giant marshmellow with red eyes.

Awwwwww is he all squishy too!? I think I'd have to hug him all the time!

I hope you find a great name for him! and I really hope you get your camera hooked up really soon!

you should call him pillow puff! JIGGLYPUFF! or pillow! and you can call him pillsy for short!

oh man, don't listen to me, okay?



tracy :)
Flemish Giants are very dear to my heart - they are wonderful rabbits. Can't wait to see pictures - she must be beautiful. How old is she? The only thing I have to say about Giants, is they are just that... Giants! Big gentle giants. Good luck with your new bun.
I'm so happy for you. My flemish giant buck, Tiny, is 3 years old now. He's black and I just love him to pieces.

I tried to find a thread called "flemish fever" for you but I couldn't find it. However, I found this one from last fall and I thought you might enjoy the link to it:


One of our members, Blue Giants, breeds flemish and she's a wonderful person to talk to if you need advice about feeding flemish or their behavior, etc.

Welcome to the forum...to both you and your rabbit.

These are 2 pics of my new bunny Boo. He is 4 months old now. I got him from Sunny Oaks Rabbitry in NY. He is so wonderful and loves to cuddle and be pet and held. He even gives kisses.

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