And yet another chapter in the saga that is Gir...
We let him out today as we usually do. he's hopping aroundhaving fun. Well I went to the supermarket and when I comehome, Shawn is swearing up a storm. Gir had bit through awire to his computer that makes his wireless mouse and keyboardwork. How he got into the very small space to get to the wireis annoying the beejesus outta me. He seems to WANT to getinto trouble.
Well Shawn was rummaging under the cage to get hay to put into the hayrack when Gir jumped hissing and grunting at him. Shawnpinned him, squealed and made a ruckus. Shawn lifted up, Girjumped at his hand, bit and wouldnt let go, he started clawing his backfeet at Shawn, I stepped in to get Gir off, he ran up my arm and clawedmy face to get at my hair.
He jumped off, and ran to a corner where he screamed at us.So we pinned him again and held him down for at least aminute. Since that little incident he has been calm, and evenloving. I dangled a cat toy at him and he boxed at it,grunted but didnt make an effort to bite.
I am really hoping this aggression ebbs a bit when he gets neutered, because we cant have him biting.
This behavior happens in spurts. He is like Jekyll and MrHyde. One minute he is the sweet baby that came into ourhome, the next he is an aggressive bun. Our policywith Camelot is if you are out of your cage, it is the human territoryand if we wanna scoop you up for a cuddle, that is our right.We dont yank the buns out of their house unless there is a reason (likeneeding to clean out litter boxes without lagomorph help)
Aie, he is just driving me nuts. He is less aggressive to methen he is to Shawn, makes me wonder if it is a male thing. Ijust dont know what to do with him