The way Christmas shopping usually goes with me is, I start early...probably mid- to late September, picking up one or two presents here and there (hoping all the while to be done by the end of October, you see). Then I'll get distracted and won't do any more shopping for a bit. Then...before you know's December 20th and I still have two or three gifts to buy for people, without a clue as to what to get them. Oh, and the ones I usually wait to the last minute to buy for (not on purpose) are the people who live in another province. So they sometimes see their Christmas present in late January. :?
Bo B Bunny, I used to have the problem you face, where the Christmas season was always the one where I had no extra funds at all. Very frustrating, esp. since I was a single mom with a little boy who was at the age where he'd get so excited over Santa coming. I wound up in severe debt for a long time too, because I would overuse my already taxed credit cards instead. And I began hating Christmas because of it, unfortunately. I managed to stretch the dollar by shopping through the year, at garage sales, clearance sales, etc. Then several years ago - once I was able to - I decided to enrol in the Canada Payroll Savings Bonds...they take so much off the paycheck every two weeks (depending how much you specify, in $20 increments), and within a year there is some extra money to spend. For me it worked out great, as I'd forget the deduction was even there, and at the end of the year I'd have an extra $500 or so. For some reason I stopped doing it a couple of years back, but am just now getting back into the habit.
Do your kids like stuffed animals? One thing you can do with the iPods is attach them to a cute stuffed bear (or bunny
) and wrap that least the present won't look tiny to you. I know what you mean though...sometimes those electronic gifts are so expensive, but under the tree they look so small!
Snuggy'smom, I use online shopping too now. Unfortunately I don't seem to get any shipping discounts, but it sure beats having to spend hours upon hours in a crowded mall. I still do go to the malls, but only on a flex day (like today) when it's less packed with shoppers, and only to pick up anything I couldn't find online.
The gift I was most excited to give this year was a Wii for my son. Unfortunately when I purchased it, they told me the extended Christmas warranty didn't apply (only 30-day warranty with it if anything was wrong). Since I was buying it early - as I didn't want to take the chance of not being able to get one the closer it got to Christmas - I called my son and asked if he minded having to receive his gift early. LOL...of course he didn't! So I sent it off in October, and he and his girlfriend have been enjoying it ever since. I still have some small things to send him (a book, a couple of DVDS) but he said he doesn't care if I send him nothing else, he was so excited to get this.
Peg, I used to do that with my son too. He was a student living 5-1/2 hrs away (still does live that far away, just isn't a student any more) and he lived in the basement of a house in a tiny room. Had nothing but a hotplate to cook on, and had to share that with two others. So I would give him
gift cards and coupons for food and clothing, just to help him get through the year. Your son will probably appreciate what you're doing for him much more than you'll realize.
Oh, and of course now I have to go shopping for a Santa suit for Yofi...he will soooo hate me :biggrin2:. But hey, it'll be payback for the little stinker constantly getting on the stove! :X
So Carolyn, what is the gift that
you're most excited to give this year??