My 11 month old spayed female lionhead is going through GI stasis
I don't know what to do.
Two nights ago Piper started refusing kale. Which is her FAVOURITE. And we noticed she was hiding away and didn't want us around. She had stopped eating and pooping. She had a hard time getting comfortable sitting or lying down. The breeder said she likely had gas, so we bought simethicone and gave her a dose around 130 AM Saturday.
Another dose of simethicone was given at 8am Saturday and we also gave her a dose of the painkiller left over from her spay, because I read that managing their pain is key. She seemed to perk up after that and was eating hay and veggies (and pineapple) willingly again. We gave another dose of simethicone throughout the day and again 12 hours later with her second dose of painkiller.
Today she is doing much better. She had a dose of simethicone and her buprenorphine at 8am. She is pooping (but her poops are smaller than usual and some are strung together). She binkied this morning and is grooming herself and coming out to visit again. But she isn't drinking at all, and that's why I'm worried.
I'm trying to water her veggies down to make sure she gets some hydration but she isn't willingly taking water. At the breeders recommendation we picked up pedialyte and tried to give by syringe but she is fussy and will not take it. It drips out of her mouth. She ended up biting me and running away. I don't want to stress her out even more.
What do I do? I know she needs to drink. Will she drink in her own time? The other signs seem to be positive right? The pooping and eating and grooming seem mostly normal.
(Our exotic vet isn't in until tomorrow and emergency vets in Thunder Bay don't treat buns. Do we bring her in tomorrow to get checked?)
We are just super nervous and on edge because Piper is the first bun we have ever had and we don't want to see anything happen to her
Two nights ago Piper started refusing kale. Which is her FAVOURITE. And we noticed she was hiding away and didn't want us around. She had stopped eating and pooping. She had a hard time getting comfortable sitting or lying down. The breeder said she likely had gas, so we bought simethicone and gave her a dose around 130 AM Saturday.
Another dose of simethicone was given at 8am Saturday and we also gave her a dose of the painkiller left over from her spay, because I read that managing their pain is key. She seemed to perk up after that and was eating hay and veggies (and pineapple) willingly again. We gave another dose of simethicone throughout the day and again 12 hours later with her second dose of painkiller.
Today she is doing much better. She had a dose of simethicone and her buprenorphine at 8am. She is pooping (but her poops are smaller than usual and some are strung together). She binkied this morning and is grooming herself and coming out to visit again. But she isn't drinking at all, and that's why I'm worried.
I'm trying to water her veggies down to make sure she gets some hydration but she isn't willingly taking water. At the breeders recommendation we picked up pedialyte and tried to give by syringe but she is fussy and will not take it. It drips out of her mouth. She ended up biting me and running away. I don't want to stress her out even more.
What do I do? I know she needs to drink. Will she drink in her own time? The other signs seem to be positive right? The pooping and eating and grooming seem mostly normal.
(Our exotic vet isn't in until tomorrow and emergency vets in Thunder Bay don't treat buns. Do we bring her in tomorrow to get checked?)
We are just super nervous and on edge because Piper is the first bun we have ever had and we don't want to see anything happen to her