getting-to-know-you survey for us buns!

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name: Harvey and Sam

age: approx. 4 years

sex: Male and Female

marital status: We prefer the term "bonded pair" :cool:

colour: Mom isn't good with rabbit colors yet...uh, gray and "agouti".

breed: again, mom is just learning....we are dwarfs

favourite human: Probably mom....she feeds us and gives us treats

favourite treat: grapes

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: more grapes

favourite toy: our Voodo dollies

favourite spot to be patted: Harvey: behind my ears. Sam: Don't pet me, I will run!

favourite other pet in the house: Summer the kitty..

favourite memory: We've only been here a month. But it's been nice so far.

favourite time of day: Dinnertime, of course.

favourite place to take a nap: At the front of my nice roomie pen

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: My fleecey blankets

least favourite thing to have done to me: Being picked up

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Harvey....cuz he has a cool name like me (Harvey)
name: Herman

age: 1 1/2
sex: male

marital status:winnie is my gal

colour:opal (grey)

breed: english lop all the way!

favourite human: the one holding the craisin bag

favourite treat: duh. . . craisins

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: i like mango sorbet, and goldfish crackers, and black-raspberry brandy, and pear jelly-bellies, and any of mom's house plants

favourite toy: the open bag of crasins

favourite spot to be patted: right between my eyes

favourite other pet in the house: norbert the fish. . . he is wicked cool

favourite memory: the day mom left the craisin bag on the floor. . .

favourite time of day: anytime i get a craisin

favourite place to take a nap: on mom's pillows

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: the house-plants

least favourite thing to have done to me: ears cleaned

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: well, considering i am the largest celebrity bunny. . . i think everyone wants to meet me. . .


name: Winchesca (winnie)

age: 2 years old

sex: Female

marital status: sadly i live with a clown. . .

colour: my coat is all black and shinny

breed: mini lop

favourite human: i don't love humans, i tolerate them

favourite treat: marigold flowers

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: mom's nora roberts books

favourite toy: i am above playing with toys, but if that tinkle ball is in my way, i just HAVE to push it aside

favourite spot to be patted:behind my ears if you please!

favourite other pet in the house: well, i would have to say rupert the plant if i had to pick one!

favourite memory: any of the days i get to take a nap with katie

favourite time of day: veggie time!

favourite place to take a nap: behind the chair in katie's room

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: my goal in life is to free all tissues from boxes. . . i don't chew them but LOVE to pull them out of the box and watch them flutter to the floor

least favourite thing to have done to me: clipping my nails

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: is brad pitt a rabbit?
name: Ookpik

age: 16 months


marital status: I'm single, though I'm being forced into an arranged marriage.

colour: Chinchilla (grey)

breed: Mini Lop

favourite human: I like the woman, but I think I like the bf more, he feeds me treats I'm not supposed to have.

favourite treat: raisins

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: cookies

favourite toy: phone books

favourite spot to be patted:My head and upper back, don't touch me anywhere else.

favourite other pet in the house:Yannik, I guess, we both like to snooze under the futon. And the cats are good for chasing around.

favourite memory:Moving into my new cage after being in that stupid cage from the petstore, the hamster lives in it now.

favourite time of day: Night time.

favourite place to take a nap: Under the futon

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with:The corner of the wall.

least favourite thing to have done to me:Getting my nails trimmed.

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Untalkative Bunny or Happy Bunny.
name: Fuzzy
age: about 2 years

sex: female

marital status: I hang wit my besest friend shadow

colour: white and brown

Nerthland Dwarf

Favourite Human: my momie!!
favourite treat: Yogert Drops

favourite toy:
anything i can chew

favourite spot to be patted: in between my ears
favourite other pet in the house: shadow, also momies brother who is more like a pet

favourite memory:
all the times i escaped my area :biggrin2:

favourite time of day:
when momie comes home from school!

favourite place to take a nap: in american girl bunk bed momie put in our area!
favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: american girl bunk bed!

least favourite thing to have done to me: get shots

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:
hmmm, toughie....


name: shadow

age: about two years

sex: female

marital status: i like to hang out with my friend fuz

colour: grey with some orange i am pretty:biggrin2:


favourite human:
mommie, and her mommie

favourite treat:

favourite toy:
I like food, not really toys

favourite spot to be patted: back

favourite other pet in the house:

favourite memory:
watching fuz escape

favourite time of day:
favourite place to take a nap:
On bed in cage
favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: momies clothes
least favourite thing to have done to me: i don't like being picked up

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:
fuz is a celeberity to me, she is an escape artist!
name: Integra

age: 3 in october!

sex: Doe

marital status: Gideon is the love of my life. Too bad it didn't work out. I have nice babies with Napoleon.

colour: chocolate

breed: Dutch

favourite human: Jesse, duh. I thuoght she was everybody's favorite human.

favourite treat: Anything. I'm a honkin' fat brood doe and I love food.

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: I hate it when people use my cage as a table. I try to chew on these things to discourage it but then Ig et yelled at.

favourite toy: JINGLE BAAAAALLLLLL!!!

favourite spot to be patted: Muh blaze.

favourite other pet in the house: I live int he shed with like, 70 other rabbits.

favourite memory: Curling up with my box and sleeping.

favourite time of day: ALL ay EVERY day is a good tiem to be a bunny.

favourite place to take a nap: I just make a loaf shape wherever I am and poof i'm out.

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Jesse's flanels.

least favourite thing to have done to me: Put back in my cage after a romp.

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:Anyone from Watership Down.

name: Gabby

age:almost one year old now

sex: female

marital status: sexy single

colour: white and grey

breed: mini-lop

favourite human: ricky

favourite treat: apples

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: electrical cords

favourite toy: phone books

favourite spot to be patted: don't touch me!

favourite other pet in the house:buddah, raisin and skeeter the guinea pigs

favorite memory: its a tie. either when i jumped over the four foot kiddy gate meant to keep me in my bedroom- i got a little caught up on the top but i made it out! of course a minute later i was spotted so the fun was over. OR when i broke out of my pen at 2am, wowdid jessscream when she foundme in bed with her!

favourite time of day: about 2am when jess and ricky have finally fallen asleep, then i dig and rip until i wake them up!

favourite place to take a nap: Under the table that holds the big fish tank

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: i like tearing up the rug

least favourite thing to have done to me:being picked up, just leave me on the floor, come on now!

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:roger rabbit, boy is he cute!

name: Hunny Bunny
age: 3
sex: female (spayed)
marital status: single bachelorette
colour: Chesnut
Netherland dwarf
favourite human:
I'm a wicked daddies girl!
favourite treat: monkey chow
favourite toy:carrot rattle
favourite spot to be patted: chinny chin chin
favourite other pet in the house: Lumpy the chinchilla he lives in the cage next door.
favourite memory:the 2 second mr. Bun Buns had he way with me :devil
favourite time of day: morning daddy cuddle time.
favourite place to take a nap: on daddies belly
favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: water bottle!
least favourite thing to have done to me: children touching me! GRRR
if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Happy Bunny, such Tude!

name: Chamomile (Cami)
age: 1 1/2?
sex: female (prego)
marital status: single and looking
colour: Light Grey
Flemish Giant
favourite human:
My mommy!
favourite treat: Rose hips
favourite toy: wooden barbel
favourite spot to be patted: Nose
favourite other pet in the house: Jethro the great dane, he's big like me!
favourite memory: When mommy picked me up and said your comming with me beautiful!
favourite time of day:
night i like exploring in the dark while mommy watches TV
favourite place to take a nap: in the recliner with mommy
favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Laundry basket! (untreated)
least favourite thing to have done to me: belly rubs :(
if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: the white rabbit from alice in wonderland, i want to run and explore like him!

name: Bunbuns

age: 9 months old!

sex: Im a boy

marital status: i'm a bachelor bun.

colour: i don't know, i forgot:shock:

breed: netherland dwarf mix

favourite human: my mom of course

favourite treat: craisons, banannas, oat!!!!

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: mommy hides the good stuff!

favourite toy: toilet roll!!!

favourite spot to be patted: my cheeks and my head

favourite other pet in the house: theres no other pets.

favourite memory: going outside and eating grass all day!

favourite time of day: dawn and dusk..

favourite place to take a nap: under mom's bed.

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Picture frames!

least favourite thing to have done to me: getting my nails trimmed sucks!!! mom says if she cant cut it herself im going back to the freaky lady in a white coat called a vet!:shock:

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: that bunny in that commerical, the one sitting on the bus.
name: Trixie

age: 9 months

sex: Female

marital status: Single

colour: Gray with a few white markings on my back, and a few tan ones on my butt


favourite human: Mommie of course!!!

favourite treat:
raisins i mean who doesn't!!!

favourite toy:
the dog hehe

favourite spot to be patted: my head, right near my nosie

favourite other pet in the house: the dog she's also my toy though

favourite memory:
Coming here to live

favourite time of day:
all the time!!!

favourite place to take a nap: right in the middle of the grass

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: boxes and trash(hehe)

least favourite thing to have done to me: being caged and the scary noise, light, and water that drips down (storms)

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:
playboy bunny!!! duh!!! i'd ask if i could have a job!!! (hehe)

here is the dog and pics of muah!!!


here is another one of me


and here is my toy and dog(lily):

here is another:

ya just click on them to see them!!!

tata 4 now!!!


Babii here lost the info for my acct so all the post on the bunny chat under my mum's acct is me becasue i think i may have eaten the paper with my pass and all that on it.

name: babii

age: 1 yr. 6 months

sex: 199% doe

marital status: good for all those bucks
colour: every color in the book got some brown some red some blond some black some white a bit of pink a charcoil color.

breed: mini-lop/lionhead

favourite human: MOMMY!

favourite treat: yogurt chews
favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: tostitos (i dont know what happend to the color of my writing

favourite toy: my corn shapen chew

favourite spot to be patted: ears

favourite other pet in the house: the only other pet is the fish

favourite memory: going for walks
favourite time of day: morning
favourite place to take a nap: .Mommies lap

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: string from mommy's jogging pants,sweatshirts

least favourite thing to have done to me: poked

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: the energizer bunny

NAME: gumbo/oreo



materal status: we barly no each other :?

color: multi color/ gray wite

breed: both dwarf

faviort human: my mommy:biggrin2:

favort treet:grass 4 both

favort treet not supose to have:notin my mommy feeds me good stuff!

favort toy:pincul so i can pick it up/a pillow so i can sleep!

spot to be petted:eek:n my nose/nose

favort memory:comming to new home/getting alot of etion from my new mommy

other amals: each other

2 favort memory:eating mommys homework/sleeping

favort time of day:food time!;)/pet time

name: Loki

age: 1 year and 8 months (approx)

sex: buck

marital status: Temporarily Seperated

colour: black tort

breed: Holland Lop

favourite human: my mom

favourite treat: banananananananananana!

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: crackers

favourite toy: my mom

favourite spot to be patted: my cheeks, my ears, behind my ears, and my nose

favourite other pet in the house: i like Lily, but she's not feeling me right now.

favourite memory: anytime i get to do bunny 500's on the bed

favourite time of day: dawn and dusk

favourite place to take a nap: on mom's bed

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: the tv remote and the computer power cord

least favourite thing to have done to me: putting my harness on

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Bugs Bunny; he's so funny!

name: Bangbang

age:about 2years 2-3months

sex: Female however I often get called a boy :grumpy:

marital status: I don't live with another bunny, i'm into boxxing, grunting and headbutting.... I live next door to a guinea pig called Endo, and have many other animals friends.

colour: Agouti, blue-grey and white belly

breed: Lop

favourite human: Lara she will whatever i command

favourite treat: Bunny biscuits that lara makes sometimes and slow-growing ferns that i'm not supposed to eat.

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: Garden plants that are expensive muahhahahhaahahha *chomp*

favourite toy: the dog I love headbutting him

favourite spot to be patted: head, ears

favourite other pet in the house: Lucy the cat she's awesome, Endo is pretty cool, Love the birds especially Indy the weiro and the dog is ok althought he gets annoying

favourite memory: The first time I was allowed to play in the garden, I couldn't stop binkying everywhere it was so good.

favourite time of day: I love dawn and dusk but I pretty much don't mind, if i'm allowed out i'm happy

favourite place to take a nap:
WoahI have so many places, When it hot in the garage on the concrete, in various places in the garden, in the tea house, next to the wood pile.... EVERYWHERE

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: As for as i'm concerned I can and will eat and chew on anything I like... especially yourslow growing ferns

least favourite thing to have done to me: I HATE having my nails trimmed, my bottom trimmed, my bottom brush, I HATE having my mouth checked, being vaccinated, being weighed, being put to bed, ahving my ears cleaned....

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: I am a celebrity

name: Chompers

age: Not sure..No one ever told me :(

sex: Alllll male, baby ;)

marital status: Single and loving it

colour: black so beautiful coat hasn't grown back completely yet.

breed: Possibly Fuzzy lop..not so sure

favourite human: This girl I recently came home with. She saved my life you know. I think her name is..Becki..or something..

favourite treat: Whatever she hand feeds me. Lettuce, apple, banana, anything..

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: Breads. Mom gets mad at me if I try to take some from her when she's eating it. Why is she allowed to and I'm not??:tantrum:

favourite toy: I'm not too into toys...

favourite spot to be patted: behind my ears...ooohhh yeah..

favourite other pet in the house: none I'm the only good one

favourite memory: The moment I met my new mother. She was holding me while someone else was shaving me. Then she carried me all around the store and told me how handsome I was and how much she wanted to take me home. We haven't been seperated since :hearts

favourite time of day: When it's darker out and mommy gets home. I binky around my cage until she lets me out

favourite place to take a nap: On mommy's bed and on the blanket in my cage

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Mom's clothes and blankets. They just feel so soft and nice in my mouth..but she yells at me and tells me to stop putting bunny spit all over her clothes :(. I thought she liked my spit...

least favourite thing to have done to me: Being on my harness when I go outside. Mom used to let me run around without it on but I kept going under her bushes and she got annoyed waiting for me to come out...I liked it under was shady and full of yummy grass.

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: I don't know of any. I don't watch any tv. Mom says it isn't good for you :( I see her watching it all the time...hypocrite
name: Tiny (aka BunFather)

age: 3 in December

sex: buck

marital status: Prefer to have girls in a single

colour: black

breed: flemish giant

favourite human: whoever has the treats at the moment

favourite treat: bananas, fruit loops, craisins, carrots...anything

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: Miss Bea's supper (when her back is turned)

favourite toy: none

favourite spot to be patted: rub my nose or behind my ears

favourite other pet in the house: Miss Miss Bea...

favourite memory: snuggling with GingerSpice when she was young

favourite time of day: 4 am when mom is sleeping

favourite place to take a nap: whereever I fall asleep

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: any type of cord - especially if it is breeder sister's

least favourite thing to have done to me: being picked up so people can see me

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Harvey - or someone who survived Night of the Lepus
name: Floppy

age: 1yr 7mo (approx)

sex: Male

marital status: They keep talking about bringing home my girlfriend, but I haven't met her yet. Hope she's cute!

colour: White, with black markings

breed: Mini Rex

favourite human: Mama!

favourite treat: I LOVE my sweet potato crunchies!

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: Chips or crackers!

favourite toy: My slinkie

favourite spot to be patted: I like it when they scratch my nose and behind my ears.

favourite other pet in the house: Me!, oh if I have to choose one of them...Fluffy. She leaves me alone.

favourite memory: Everytime daddy sneaks me a chip...mmm...chips!

favourite time of day: Evening, play time!

favourite place to take a nap: Under the bird cage or inside my castle

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Mommy always gets mad and makes me go in my cage when I chew the things called "cords." I can't help it they are sooo good. :biggrin2:

least favourite thing to have done to me: I hate it when they try to roll me over on my back and hold me like a baby. Do it, I dare you!:X

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Babs is a cutie.:cool:

Name: Pebbles Marie

Age: almost 7, my im getttin old.

Sex: i always wanted to, but mom never let me, wait female sorry. there goes my mind wandering again:p

Marital status: by myself, i like it that way.

Colour: white

Breed: not sure, i dont know if mommy knows?

Favourite human: my mommy, she loves me so much.

Favourite treat: banana chips and yogurt drops.

Favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: clothes, i cant keep my teeth away from them.

Favourite toy: i dont really like toys, but if its in front of me, im bound to figure something out to keep me occupied.:biggrin2:

Favourite spot to be patted: oooo my nosey, it puts me to sleep.

Favourite other pet in the house: that cat Stinky, he chases me everywheres!!

Favourite memory: running all over the yard when i was a baby in new york. there are no yards here in jersey! only icky sand.

Favourite time of day: around 10:00 when everyone is trying to go to sleep, i like to wake everyone up with my noises.

Favourite place to take a nap: laying on the floor next to a nice pile of dirty clothes.

Favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: mommy's clothes, i always find something mommy wont let me chew.

Least favourite thing to have done to me: be picked up, and my booty touched.

If i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: thumper from bambi. mommy says i always sound like him when im happy.

name: Anna

age: I'm a girl, so I don't have to say

sex: See above

marital status: Was living in sin with my best bud, forced to share my room with some weirdo kid who thinks he's Bun's gift to everybody

colour: Beautiful agouti, with soft creamy tan feets


favourite human:
Whichever one gives in and feeds me treats

favourite treat:
CRAISINS! No wait...ALMONDS!! No wait...BANANA!! No wait...awww, forget it, I'm on a diet anyway

favourite toy:
I'm far too dignified to play

favourite spot to be patted:
Nose, of course(!)

favourite other pet in the house: No favorites...I just wish they'd all go shed in their own spaces and leave mine alone

favourite memory:
Raph defending me from the evil overlords of the backyard

favourite time of day:
Dinner time!

favourite place to take a nap:
Anywhere's long as I can streeetch out

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with:
My mom seemed to get angry with me when I chewed through the phone cord and the computer modem (whatever that is) both at the same time. She got really upset and turned all red and stomped around and stuff. It was pretty cool. So yeah...that would be it.

least favourite thing to have done to me:
I had an operation once. Not cool.

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:
Harvey! I hear he's tall and handsome - though a bit hard to see. I wonder if he's single...
name: Yofi

age: Four months!!

sex: Definitely boy

marital status: Marital status? I'm not even all growed up yet! Get married?! ICK!!! EWWW!!!

colour: Sexy white with creamy patterns all over me

English lop...da best of da breeds, baby!

favourite human:
What's a human? mean the hairless bunnies who walk upright? I guess that would be the one who cries every time she walks into my room and sees what I've been up, creating for her

favourite treat:

favourite toy:
My feets!!! They sproing me all over the place

favourite spot to be patted:
Nose and cheeks...heaven, I tell ya

favourite other pet in the house: What? You mean there's others here too? I never noticed...hehe. Just kidding...I kinda like following the dog around. She's weird.

favourite memory:
Hey, I'm still new so I'm still in the process of creating memories!

favourite time of day:

favourite place to take a nap:
Under the's my own little world under there

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: Well, I did take a fancy to chewing on my mom's feet, but she wasn't so amused. So now I just tug on her pants instead.

least favourite thing to have done to me:
Okay, well mom took me to this place the other night, see? It was a big office with a big room with a big shiny table. Then this other human walked in wearing a big white coat, and she looked into my eyes and ears and listened to my heart and my stomach and stuff (I dunno what she was looking for, but all she had to do was ask...I coulda told her it wasn't inside of me.) Then I guess she wasn't satisfied that whatever it was she lost wasn't in there somewhere, so she pulled out this long stick thing, turned me around, lifted my tail and....BANZAI!!!! Hey LADY, you want to stick that thing WHERE? I DON'T THINK SO!!! So I bounced around and fought and warned her that I was more vicious-er than that dumb bunny in that Monty somethingorother movie, and I guess she believed me cuz she finally put that stick thing away. I'm still upset over that one.

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be:
hhhhmmm...celebrity bunny...*thinks*....well, since I can't meet myself I guess it would probably have to be Bugs Bunny. I mean, think about it...the dude's got his own tv show, probably making a mint in carrots, he's well read, he travels, he's got his pick of the ladies...and by now he most likely has a timeshare on some cottage in the Hamptons. Yeah, definitely Bugs. (But when I get older...Jessica Rabbit...:biggrin2:)
name: Bo (aka - Bo Bee, ****oo, widdle man, nuggy bunny, snuggybuggy, BoBo, Mommy's widdle bunner, Mommy's good boy, and if I bite Mommy she calls me "you little !?&#@"

age: 3

sex: Male

marital status: Single, but dating a cottontail half my age!

colour: castor agouti

breed: mini-rex

favourite human: My Mommy - if I see her and someone else is holding me, I wiggle and get free to jump to her

favourite treat: oatsies

favourite treat i'm not supposed to have: romaine - mommy says it makes my poos bad.

favourite toy: blankies

favourite spot to be patted: my cheeks

favourite other pet in the house: You mean to bite?

favourite memory: Playing slide across the floor on a paper plate

favourite time of day: Brekfuss time!

favourite place to take a nap: behind the wood stove (my slaves are not allowed to use it)

favourite forbidden thing to chew/play with: carpet - I like to eat it.

least favourite thing to have done to me: being tranced or when they try

if i could meet any celebrity bunny it would be: Those people I see singing on that big box I am not allowed to play around.

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