Hello everyone! I am getting a flemishGiant in the middle of July from a rabbitry in MA. I am down for a doe,but am now unsure. I am also getting a mini rex buck (some timein June I hope) both will be pets and I would love to bond them whenthey are both older and fixed. I am wondering if size wise itwould be best to have the flemish a buck and mini rex a doe?? If itdoesn't matter I will stick with the doe flemish. Anybody have anythoughts? With my other pair the doe even though she is smallerand much younger than my dutch buck runs the show. They don'tfight or anything and are always together but I swear sometimes shepicks on him. I really don't want a 20 lb. bully, and from what Ihave read here flemish bucks seem to be big push overs. Do minirexes tend to have attitudes?? It will be my first of both breeds soany tips would be great!