Getting My Rabbit Neutered Today

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No worries about the name mix-up, bluevelvet. :)

Offer him some of his favorite treats too. Poor little mon isuncomfortable, but I'm sure, so happy to be home. If rabbits are inpain, they won't eat. It would be a good sign if he takes some of histreats because it would be an indication that although he'suncomfortable, he'll still eat.

You should see a difference in his behavior in another day or two. Justcontinue to do as you are doing and give him lots of love.

He'll probably want out of the cage before a week is up, I agree.

Do keep us posted, and let us know what the afternoon brings or when he does start to move around a bit more.
Hi Stephanie I am sure you will love it hereexcept for the snow but then I guess you are used to that lol. I movedhere from BC in 1981 and never thought twice about moveing back, didn'tmiss that rain one bit. I am sure you will love it here.
Icouldn't live in Calgary if my lifedepended on it! Too many people for my liking and not enough space.Though you guys are luck ythat Spruce Meadows is so close... lol.
it's pretty nice for a city though..of course theonly other cities i've been to are in the states, and i DONT like those:( scary... i'm originally from a small town in the states..
What we like about Calgary is it doesn't takelong to get anywhere here. In BC it took an hr one way to work hereabout 15 min. Which means more sleep lol
Hi Everyone I thought I would give you an updateon my rabbit Floppy. He is doing much better and is eating all his foodnow but just not as much as usual. He still rests a lot but I guessthere is not much else to do when your stuck in a cage. I know he wantsout bad because everytime I open his door he pushes my hand to say "Move I want out lol " He is also bathing himself again but also downbelow where he isn't supposed to be. I tell him no and he looks at melike why not I have always done that. I tried the cone on his neck buthe wants no part of it at all. I think he will do more damage tohimself with that on and break his stitches so I guess I have to hopehe just licks down there and not bite. I want to thank you all againfor all your support and being there for me when I was so scared forthe little guy. I think he is going to be just fine now.:)

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