Getting another bun!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
, New Jersey, USA
Hey everyone, haven't been on in a while (not really many forums for that matter), I kind of took a break. Now I be back though, and plan on staying. ;]

Anyway,Speri (my bun as of when I joined) is very healthy and happy; overall, doing very well. (Just as a quick update for ya.)Now, recently, on one of my "adventures" as I call them (which is random goings to places I have no clue of where I even am), I ran into a young girl whom wanted to give away her bun (badly may I add). She told me it is an unneutered male (I plan on getting him neutered for one when I get him), beige in color, of an "average" size (so, I'm assuming, not too large, not dwarf), and starved for attention. So, at that very moment, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to take on another bun (as I do not have my job yet), but after much pondering, I figured I can handle this. I am going to get him Monday, probably some time in the evening. The reason, as you may be wondering, this lady wants out with this rabbit so bad is because, and I quote, "He just is the biggest pain in the butt, and I can't stand him! All he does is pee all over, and he's just SO dirty!"... I looked at her like...

Well, for one, he's an unneutered male, soooo...did ya not think he was gonna spray a bit? Two, why the heck did you get a bun, did you think the cage was going to clean itself?? And three, then she goes on to tell me, "Oh, I keep him in a small dog crate.."...and I don't know about you guys, but, crate? Really now? Uh, I think not. Maybe if you keep it exceptionally clean it could work, but I would think a cage made for small animals/buns would be best. I very well could be wrong though, and mean not to offend anyone who successfully does happen to keep their buns in a dog crate. Anywho, I have some immediate concerns like, if you want to call them that. I'll list them below and maybe someone can help me out a bit.

One. I have not obtained a new rabbit since...ahh, I wanna say about five years ago, and I was pretty young at the time. So, I'm not that big in the knowledge area of making a new bun feel welcome.

Two. I am really unsure of what to do as far as housing Speri (my female) with this bun (whom I believe I am going to name Waffles). Now, mind you, Speri is unspayed (and yes, I know all the adverse effects, but unfortunately, my mother, putting it as nice as she could, will not allow me to spend money on a rabbit spay...the only reason she said I could get Waffles done when we get him is because she doesn't want him spraying. *sigh* I do feel very bad about that part of the situation. In short though, how would a neutered male bun and an unspayed female get along? I am going to have them in separate cages for the time being, however, I was wondering if putting them together would be an option..?

....and I guess those are my two main concerns. Any support as far as rearing a new bun and easing them on to one another would be much appreciated. :)
Congrats on the new bunny! I hope it turns out preety well. The person you are getting him from sounds awful... Well about the new bunny I am not an expert so hopefully other people can come on and suggest some help. I think that you should keep them in different cages (even after the neuter) because I think (not really sure about this) that it is really hard to bond a neutered male and a un-spayed female. Well.... I didn't really help much but I hope some others can...
Sometimes you can put them together but girls can be more hormonal than boys and it could well make her have phantom pregnancies and end up with her pullign fur and building nests. Which is not a very nice for her so you would be better to keep them apart! sorry i know thas probably not what you were wanting to hear :(on the other hand if she started doign that maye your mum woudl be up for a spay then or save your money from yoru job and get her spayed with that. just an idea.

All hormones aside, make sure that your doe and this new buck don't have any kind of contact until after he has been neutered for at least eight weeks. Before that he could still have live sperm and be able to get her pregnant. I do have one bonded pair that is a neutered male and an unspayed female, but I think that is probably the exception rather than the rule. She is a very calm, laid back doe that has never had a false pregnancy in her life, even being around bucks all the time.
Hmm, first off, thanks everyone!

I'm not upset at all about Waffles and Speri not being able to go together. I just want what's best for them individually. ^__^ I may try and introduce them at some point, after Waffles is neutered (and past the eight week point), but that isn't a first priority of mine. As of right now, I just want to get this bun outta his current situation, and welcome him to his new home (I just want him to be comfortable and happy). I'll be sure to keep you guys updated, and thanks again! (Oh, and as for the date I'm getting him, I got a call yesterday from the lady I am "adopting" him from and she said Monday I can't come over because she'll be out or something, so, supposedly this coming Wednesday.) ;)
*bump* I got Waffles today!

All I can say This rabbit is so sweet...

All he wants is your attention it seems. He loves being held, and even when you sit down and let him roam a bit, he comes right back on to your lap. Waffles even waited until we got home (had about an hour ride) to go into his litter box in his new cage to go to the bathroom! I was really proud of him. The crazy thing about it all though is he is only 3 1/2 months - 4 1/2 months old as I learned. I never knew that rabbits could be so...well....well behaved and affectionate toward humans right off the bat like that. This little guy is amazing! =O I think he even looks like a little waffle! Erg, I love 'em already!! <3

On to the pics!

. On the way home...

. Love this pic so much<3

. Still coming home!

. Cute ears!

. Yummy hay.

. Hehehe, sideways pic.

. Finally home!

My goodness...Waffles really is a little cuddle bug! =D I'm so happy, he's going to fit in just fine<3

Aww, thanks to both of ya!

Little Waffles is settling in just fine! Still sweet as ever, using his litter box, never has any accidents (which I'm extremely happy about, but kinda shocked), loves to be held and cuddled!

Everyday I just open the cage and he runs around my room, climbs on me, runs back into the cage, sees me sitting outside of it and then sprints back toward me. haha Waffles makes me feel loved; haha, but in all seriousness, he's settling in very nicely!