Some bunnies don't mind harnesses, some areabsolutely terrified of them, most are somewhere in between.Meat mostly ignores her harness once it's on (especially once we'reoutside & there are more important things to keep her busy :}), but getting it on her is always an adventure (trancing's the onlyway I can do it w/o one of us getting injured).
I'm not a rabbit training expert by any stretch of the imagination, buthere are some tips from my research & experience w/ trainingother animals in addition to Meat. :}
Leaving the harness out like
VNess2010suggested is a good idea... just make sure the buns aren't destroyingit! :} You also might want to just slip the harnesson and then take it right back off, at first... whenever you're showingsomething new to an animal it's better to go too slow than toofast.
Once you get the harness on your bun & fastened, make sure it'sadjusted properly (you should be able to get you little finger betweenthe straps & your bun... much more room than that, &the rabbit is likely to either wiggle out or get a legcaught). Once everything's adjusted,letthe bunhop around the room wearing just theharness (no leash) & let it get used to how itfeels. Once your bun is okay wearing the harness(this might take a few sessions), attach the leash & let thebun get used to dragging that around (pay close attention &make sure the bun doesn't get hung up on anything). Once thebun's okay w/ that, pick up the end of the leash while you're sittingon the floor & get the bun used to not having completely freerein while the harness is on (be careful... some rabbits don't mindwearing the harness but completely flip out when they hit the end ofthe leash). After that, you can practice following your bunaround the house so s/he can get used to you walking around behind it.
Always try to end harness sessions before the bun gets really stressedout... ending harness training on a sour note will make it take longerbefore your bun is comfortable on a leash. If your bunny evergets *really* freaked out, you might want to consider that harnesstraining isn't right for that bun... better to stay inside than riskyour bun injuring itself while fighting the harness.
And, of course, treats, before during & after, make everything better.
I've got a cat harness (likethis for Meat, which works okay, but I would prefer one that had afastener at the neck as well as behind the front legs (slipping a solidloop of nylon over those ears is not much fun ;P ). I wouldlove to have one of these, but haven't gotten a chance to order one,yet:
As for toys, Meat isn't terribly interested instuff marketedas toys. She much prefers cardboard boxes, willow baskets,wooden spoons, sisal rope, throw rugs... stuff likethat. There are a bunch of links to rabbit toyideas here:
HTH! :}