Well-Known Member
Kinda. I've been trying to keep an eye on this thread as it is very fun.
TPBM has a bonded pair/trio/bunch of bunnies.

TPBM has a bonded pair/trio/bunch of bunnies.
No, what is that ?Nope--too cold in the Winter and way too hot in the Summer. TPBM is wondering "whatever happened to Wendell the Wandering Rabbit?"
That would be me! I haven’t had the flu my whole life, and I haven’t had the stomach virus for the past 4 years.Not sure? I don't really look up where the things i watch originally aired, so i might've watched one without really knowing it.
Tpbm has a good immune system
FalseThat would be me! I haven’t had the flu my whole life, and I haven’t had the stomach virus for the past 4 years.
tpbm has a mean teacher who yells at you for literally no reason
True. I spend too much money on my bun lol.False
TPBM loves to spoil their bun
True!!Partially true. Tu Shen has one half of my bedroom and Xiao Wu has the other half of the bedroom. After everything is prepped, ready, and bonded, they'll have free range of the house.
TPBM knows some Japanese.
True . I have about 11 petsFalse. But I am trying to learn some Spanish.
TPBM has pet loving or pet tolerating parents. (Thankgoodness I do!)