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I could, but not off the top of my head, sorry.

Tpbm listens to music that isn't their native language.
True! I listen to Celtic music because I'm part Scottish (though I don't speak the language so I can't understand much hahah)

TPBM can name 10 plants off the top of their head.
Astelpaju rosehip?
Võilill dandelion
Tikker gooseberry
Huulhein- some sort of plant in our swamps
Küüvits - "the key of the swamp" a small plant which grows in dryer swamps. They create a "net" with their roots so if you see them in the area you're in, you can step near them and know that you won't randomly fall down a meter of hidden water.
Pilliroog--that long strawwy grass on beaches that looks like grains.
Rukkilill cornflower
Murakas-yet another plant of the swamp. It's a berry though, looks like raspberries but is more yellowish-orangeish.
Mustsõstar blackcurrant

They're all plants and bushes, in my native language and i'm pretty sure most of them are actually native to us. I cannot translate all of them though.

Tpbm can do the same
Not off the top of my head

TPBM has snow on the ground where they live
No, all of ours has melted but we have had a few snows

TPBM doesn't ever get snow
True, I did once have snow in Wales, but it doesn’t snow where I live in Australia. :(
TPBM has been to Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 (it’s next to England)
I go to Wales every year, with a Christian homeschool camp. It’s very nice there! I love how green it is - at least where I go! We also got our dog from Wales!

TPBM has a unique Christmas tradition _______.
Since last year, on Christmas eve I'll go and hide presents around the house for my younger siblings.

TPBM's favorite Christmas dessert is ____________
Mandarins! I don't think it classifies as dessert, since they're fruit, but they are the only sweet thing on the table that is holiday-related and not a juice or mint candy.

Tpbm has found/listens to obscure music. (Obscure in whichever standard.) If so, what exactly?
Nah, I listen to pretty normal music.

TBPM likes classical music.
I don't have anything against it. If it's not some super slow concerto(tend to get sleepy when it is) then i quite enjoy it. I particualrly like violin music, but it's too hard to learn to play without a good instructor.

Tpbm _______ ?
Gets sleepy on long drives

TPBM doesn't like hot chocolate
Nope, I've never seen it

TPBM loves listening to Christmas music
YES! Christmas music is so uplifting and happy!

TPBM feels the same way?
You bet! It's the best kind of music

Tpbm watches My Hero Academia
Nope. I will, if i like the show, when all the seasons are out. For some reason i cannot stand waiting every week for it to air, i'd rather watch independently on my own pace.

Tpbm's favourite art style is _______?
If you mean medium, probably charcoal and acrylic, though I love most mediums. Oil is pretty difficult though.
TPBM has a pet turtle

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