Astelpaju rosehip?
Võilill dandelion
Tikker gooseberry
Huulhein- some sort of plant in our swamps
Küüvits - "the key of the swamp" a small plant which grows in dryer swamps. They create a "net" with their roots so if you see them in the area you're in, you can step near them and know that you won't randomly fall down a meter of hidden water.
Pilliroog--that long strawwy grass on beaches that looks like grains.
Rukkilill cornflower
Murakas-yet another plant of the swamp. It's a berry though, looks like raspberries but is more yellowish-orangeish.
Mustsõstar blackcurrant
They're all plants and bushes, in my native language and i'm pretty sure most of them are actually native to us. I cannot translate all of them though.
Tpbm can do the same