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Rabbits Online Forum

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False, but it would be nice.
The person bellow me is ________.
(fill in the blank)
I have eaten a few rabbit pellets (to see what it tastes like)or tried to a binky,zoomies, flop. 😜

The person below me has done one of those things!
I tried to flop infront of Chamomile when I first got her so she could see it was okay to relax. Long story short- she just stared at me while looking confused.

The person below me paints.
I watched half an episode, then my mom got mad at me for watching it 🤣

The person below me has school (sadly)
False. I've never lived out of this state.
The person below me cleans a lot.
Me, I have taught Lucas to spin 3x, and Walk 4 steps,

The person below me what is something silly that irritated you when you were young/or currently
What irritates me? Obnoxiously loud and chatty people. Always have, as long as i can remember. I find it silly how some people could talk to you all day long and not get tired...

The person below me has bonded rabbits.
Yep! Triplet bonded almost identical (ear differences) girls! They look like 3 plump snowballs!

The person below me likes to read mysteries.
Yep! Triplet bonded almost identical (ear differences) girls! They look like 3 plump snowballs!

The person below me likes to read mysteries.
Nope , I dont really read .

The person below me has a kid 😁