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sometimes, not obsessed with it but will usally watch any new spiderman movies. i love venom and deadpool more.

tpbm does spray paintings(if you do, show one if you want to!)
Has read Wings of Fire. It is about a dragon war. I’m usually not that into fantasy (I like fiction, but not really fantasy), but it has a great story line and characters.

TPBM likes to read fiction (more specifically fiction about animals and dinosaurs)
I really enjoyed Watership Down, but otherwise I prefer SF. There are some crossovers there, kind of, that uplift universe and such. Quite some aliens in SF are less strange than Insects I find in my garden.

I would so love to get some chickens, so...
TPBM can tell some reasons why not to get chickens additionally to rabbits. What are the things you don't reckon with beforehand?


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Chickens are disgusting and they eat so much. I've tried getting into them multiple times but... wow. One single chicken eats more and poops more than 6 pigeons + 2 peacocks (my other outdoor birds), and their poop stinks! They are bred to have that high metabolism so that they can grow fast and produce eggs fast, but man does it not help when I just want some to look at and get the occasional egg.

The person below me lives in a place where venomous snakes are common.
Nope. In my opinion, apple is stupid. When it gets to old it stops supporting! Android all the way

TPBM What hay do you feed your rabbit?
Either double woven seagrass mats from BinkyBunny or cardboard scratching pads.

tpbm prefers online shopping to going in a store.
False, there is school in spring, it is rarely warm enough to go swimming, it is practically mud season, and the trees usually don’t have leaves yet.

TPBM is/was homeschooled

Tpbm's rabbits have recently shown more/ a new form of affection? Iris has started randomly kissing me when she feels like it..(probably to get in between my arm and Storm being hugged by it. She wants to be a part of it too, i guess.)