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6, I got a guinea pig that my parents taught me how to care for animals with. Anything I didn’t or couldn’t do they helped me with, but also taught me how to be careful and responsible for a little life that depended on me.

TPBM what was your first pet?
A big black long-haired dog who i didn't consent to, or even remember first getting, since it was my seond birthday. Found out later that my birthday was just an excuse for my parents to get a dog, and i don't remember much about him, nor did i really feel deep sadness when he suddenly disappeared about 8 years later. I do remeber through pictures that i used to sit on his back when i was absolutely tiny, and that he moulted like crazy, but nothing else, really.
My first 'actual' pet was Musti, my sweet and special bunny buck with whom i learned about the world of actually, seriously taking care of a (rarer sort of) life that depended on me, and pushing for the betterment of his life, even if it was short.

TPBM, where have you never been to, and would never like to go? Why?
False, My baby (bunbun) is regular size

TPBM plays soccer
Tossing and turning in my sleep, unless when cuddling with bunbun/s. Luckily i never shift around when i'm hugging them. Musti would fall asleep in my embrace, get me to doze off, and when i would finally wake, he'd usually be still snoozing next to me.

TPBM has/had a cuddly bun similar to him?
Cats, rabbit, dogs, chickens

TPBM knows what a buff orpington is.
Yup! We usually average around 30 chickens, currently have 20, and have had 50! So, I kind of have to be good with chicken breeds.

TPBM is super excited for spring chicks! Either hatched in your own incubator, bought, or hatched by a broody hen.
Not anymore--we don't have the acreage and living in the city, we have to comply with all the ordinances--I used to really enjoy collecting the colored eggs--blue and green and the gigantic brown ones. TPBM likes to visit areas for the Spring bloom--we get fantastic wildflowers in Death Valley after Spring rains.