Undoubtedly the homemade herb topping that i'll occasionally sprinkle on their hay. They won't leave any piece of it. Apparently it's enticing enough that Storm would eat it, but not his hay when he had a bigger gas bout recently. Banana is the universal widespread treat for our buns but Storm will also gladly butt twitch to celery sticks, apple sticks and just general firewood bark are Iris' fave thing to gnaw and toss around.
A &W Rootbeer, long time ago when it came in glass jugs and was very, very cold. Now it would be lemonade, home made. T P B M , what do you do for just pure fun?
Our both love getting head rubs and then zooming around--fun for us too! TPBM what is something you really would like to do if cost and covid weren't factored in.