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Nope! I've stayed in Canada my whole life!

TPBM, What is a career you have or want (Srry if wording is bad)
Who doesn't?

Tpbm, how was your sleep?
Meh. I was really dizzy which made it hard to fall asleep.

TPBM List all of your pets (Previous count)
I've got 2 orange bishop weavers, 2 house sparrows, 2 peafowl, 1 indian ringneck parrot, 3 coturnix quail, 4 frillback pigeons, 3 himalayan rabbits and 29 mini satin rabbits. Previous pets include zebra finches, budgies, box turtle, mice, coronet cavies, american cavies, a variety of chickens (polish, brahma, nankin and dutch were my favorites), corn snake, millipede, labrador retrievers, golden retriever, pomeranian, mixed breed dog, cardian welsh corgis, some cats, a quarter horse, betta fish, plus about 10-15 other breeds of rabbit and maybe 5 or 6 other breeds of pigeon.

The person below me lives in an apartment
Lahemaa. It's pretty, big and has lots of interesting natural sceneries to look at. It's also the biggest one in Estonia.

Tpbm, share a picture of a rabbit you find fascinating?
My favorite holiday is Christmas! I love everything about Christmas!
TPBM has more than 10 kids (pets and people included)
I have over 50 animals. 2 Guinea pigs, 3 Holland Lops, 20 chickens, 4 ducks, 2 turkeys, 2 pigs, 3 goats, 2 horses, 2 dogs, 2 house cats, and 2 barn cats.

TPBM what do you have as far as pets?
4-5 cats (two of them will run off for a bit and then come back, but we normally have 4 cats at our house), 2 ducks, 1 lab/bloodhound, 1 German Shepard, and 2 rabbits. We want more ducks this summer because we recently lost 4.

TPBM wishes Rabbitsonline had an app…
Not really.
I think that they used to have an app that was discontinued because of safety issues. But i'd still prefer just a webpage, it would be easier to navigate and what i'm already used to.

Tpbm, do your rabbits have an xpen/pup fence in their setup? How much did you pay for it? I've been looking into getting one but the cheapest is 100€....
Nope, too expensive here too but luckily not as expensive as that, that's quite high. Here a 36" with door is about $80 ish which isn't in my budget for something that small. Sorry to hear it's that much, it's a lot! Maybe NIC grids instead?

TPBM how old was/is your oldest pet you've had?
It is either our cat Smokey (grey) who is 9–10 or Patches (orange) who is more than 6 (we have no idea what his exact age is just that he is more than 6). They are both rescues so there is no way to be sure.30846CB3-4BEC-4E33-9DC9-B17E286702DE.jpeg46D0D258-BCE4-4A4A-B88A-EDE31EA6A7A6.jpeg
TPBM has a rescue
I like to hike, but fishing grosses me out 😂.

TPBM just got a bunny (in the last 1-2 months)

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