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Haha, sorry, i got confused i thought it was GCSE's!

Yeah i do them combined. Its really good actually. The way we do it is that i have two seperate teachers who teach two seperate topics at the same time. In our exam we have to combine them. So when i was answering my Much Ado About Nothing question i had to look at the literature side (themes etc) as well as the lexical side. You have to analyse the language of literature alot more closely than you do on a literature side. Like, looking at the features of discourse, rhetoric etc

What was your coursework?
For literature we had to write an essay on "The Merchant of Venice" (I think my question was something like "How are women and men presented differently within the play?".) Very boring.:p For language we had 2 parts of coursework which were both original writing, one to inform and one to entertain -plus we had to do 750 word commentaries for both of them. I love original writing but the commentary side just sucked the fun out of it!:p

I like both subjects but prefer English language - I just find it way easier to analyse stuff in depth in terms of language instead of literature where I have to restrain myself on the language side of things and focus on what the author was trying to achieve etc.:X;)The only thing about language is we have to memorise a ridiculous amount of language theory to integrate into our essays!:?Although at least that exam is over with now!:biggrin2:


Wow... that sounds like a quite good literature question? Sometimes you get nice easy simple ones.. (mine was 'with reference to the extract given, how does Benedick show his views to marriage in this scene and throughout the play', which was a REALLY nice question). We did one piece of original writing with commentary except ours was 1500 words for the story and 1000 for the commentary. I sucked. I got an E. I HATE creative writing with a passion, i used to be really good, even one some competitions and stuff, but i have a real problem with it because everything i write i just hate and feel really embarassed about. The commentary i thought was more fun than writing the story, and loads easier. Plus it was stupid Angela Carter who is a complete nutcase anyway and i had to 'draw inspiration' from her. All her stories are about weird creatures and sex and killing people. In the end i wrote a truly awful story based on the Frog Prince except it was a snake. Bizarre!
No worries about thread hijacking. :p

I'll just ignore all your boring English talk.:sleep: Best day of my life will be when I finish my last English exam and never have to do it again. :p I do both English lit and language GCSEs by the way, but we don't have a separate teacher and we spent about 5 classes on English language the whole 2 years, so are basically depending on KS3 English to get us through. :?
Ahh don't worry Michaela - English language at GCSE is pretty easy.:) It's just stuff like how to write to persuade/inform/entertain etc. So just common sense basically!:pOne of my questions was something like "Write about a person who inspires you" - I just rambled on not even thinking about the language I was using and got an A!:biggrin2:You'll do fine.:)

So guys...who is having a major panic?!:?I'm so so worried about my English literature exam on Wednesday. I don't know anything about "A woman of no importance"! Argh!:panic:

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