Gauges.. anyone? :P

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leo (they/them)
Feb 22, 2010
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For you who don't know what they are, they're like earrings, but just bigger. I know you've seen them. XD Most you have probably seen are HUGE though. I have small ones.

A picture of the sizes:

Most people start at 18 (right before the 16)... as in normal earring size. I started out on accident when I got fake gauges (I had no idea what they were) and they slid through my ear because the heavy ball on the back. So I had gradually went from a normal earring size.. to a 14.

I convinced my mom to let me get normal gauges- 14s, and she let me and said "NO BIGGER". I played with those so much that I ended up going behind her back (I got in trouble) and getting 12s and 10s. I put the 12s in.. too small. So I put the 10s in.. perfect! Well I've always wanted plugs.

So today I convinced my mom to let me go to 8s. And I cannot express to you how gross it is shoving a size 8 plug through a size 10 ear hole. It doesn't look all that bigger... but BOY it is LOL and it HURTS. Especially my right ear. Thought I was gunna puke afterwards (Oddly enough. I have been unable to puke for almost 6 years now, even when feeling ill). It's been like 10 minutes and they still hurt! :p My fault, I shoved them through dry. XD

Anyways, the plugs I got are so cute!

The ones I am wearing now:

My other pair:


Also, wanted to add that I get attached to strange things and I kinda miss my old gauges.. D; LOL
Piercings are not my thing but like the gauges you got.
Thank you :] It's so cute and I'm so glad they had my size. It's awesome! <3
What a cute dress! And the octopus are so cute too! Gauges aren't my thing either, but I'm all about decorating your body the way you see fit!
my son has gauges, the plugs look like the biggest ones but i think the holes are only the 2. Not real fond of them because i just wonder how its gonna look when he's 41 (he just turned 21). i know the hole shrinks when he takes them out and he assures me that the hole will close if he lets it, but i am rather dubious about that.....

i did however buy him for christmas, some totally clear plugs that look really cool (from hot topic).
I'm sorry but all I can imagine is 60 years from now all these little hunched over 80y/o men and women with floppy skin hanging off of their ears LOL
@LuellaJean: I know isn't it!? I saw that dress and knew I had to have it! I'm so glad they're up-eared bunnies on the dress because all my buns are up-eared :] And thank you for.. being awesome about this all ;D!!

@jujub793: Yeah, the holes, depending on the size will close up a lot. I believe a 10 closes up to a normal earring size.. :] Unsure though, I never let mine close up obviously XDD Hehe. Oooh! I think the clear ones are so cool!

@Must_Love_Pets: Ahh me too <3 :]

@nermal71: LOL! When I'm 90 and have nothing to do.. I can just wobble my ears.. LOL

@I_heart_Fraggles: Oooh that sounds awesome! PICS? :]
So cute! I wouldn't go past a zero for now though... Anything past that isn't likely to shrink on it's own if you ever get sick of them. My ex-boyfriend had huge ones - I think 1.5 inch diameter. Whenever he took them out we'd laugh because they looked kinda falic :biggrin2:. Anyway, don't go too big too fast. Stick with a size for a couple months, just to be sure you don't change your mind. Fashion comes and goes!
Lol, I know Erin :] The whole story of my different story happened through a span of four years XDDD. :] I dunno if I could go any bigger.. shoving these ones in grossed me out! But the biggest I would probably go is double zero I think (it's not much bigger than zero from what I heard.) :p
taaake it sloow. i used colored paper clips till i got to 8 then jumped straight to 00...years later still not healed
Only because I worked in a tattoo shop..gauge is a unit of measurement. You don't have have stretched ears. And you buy plugs, not gauges. LOL. It's a huuuuuge pet peeve of mine. :) you wouldn't say you inched your ears or have inches! Nevertheless those are cute but be topic is notorious for horrible quality if jewelry which can cause infections, esp in fresh ears.

Check our for quality jewelry :)
And if it hurts, it might be infected and you streached too fast. It should never hurt to stretch. I was at a 00 for a long time and it took me three years to properly stretch. I strongly advise you go see a professional piercer and in a professional shop can ger MRSA and other horrible infections. Not to mention the skin can fall off leaving your ears disfigured. Not trying to be a downer, but hopefully you wouldn't pierce yourself and streaching is the same idea. P
The biggest gauge I ever got to was 10 on my ear cartilage. It hurt like !@#$ and it made me bleed. Lol. But then again I didnt gauge it properly :p

I personally don't like anything below a 10 gauge (the ones that make your piercing bigger) but that is just my preference. The bigger gauges actually look pretty decent on some people.

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