Gabriel's Head-tilt Story

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
rocky hill, Connecticut, USA
Alicia, we are getting in a significant headtilt bun. He previously had
surgery to remove a severe case of bot fly larve and has been treated once for
headtilt. He is only a year old. We will see what dr. Anita says, but I have a
feeling it will not be good

This is the part of an email from the rescue. Keep this guy in your thoughts. I am hoping he makes it here.
Sending prayers for this little one. If there is anyone who can help nurse him back to health, its you.
Ok so the rescue is getting him Saturday. He should taken to the vet ASAP and than go from there.

I know the pasteurella treatment. I don't know the treatment for EC.

He is has been treated but now the people can't afford more. So cross your fingers that he is able to come here and be treated.
Like others have said, if anyone is suited best to deal with a head-tilt bunny, it's you! I hope he makes it to where he can get the treatment that he needs! Good luck!
EC does not cause head tilt. It may be a contributing factor mostly by compromising the immune system...but in every case of tilt I have seen.....and that has been many including EC the abscense of trauma the tilt has always been a direct result of a bacterial infection in the ear or brain stem. The stress on the immune systemfrom the EC allows opportunistic bacteria the opening it needs. The immune system sees the EC as the primary threat and makes that it's frontal attack. EC rabbits usually have "roving" bacterial infections due to the immune system stress.

Ok so he is a rex. Eatting and pooping but non stop rolling. As long as that is all he has a chance. I will get him and treat him. Also to see if he improves.

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