Gabriel's Head-tilt Story

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This is from another group. I asked the lady if I could qoute it.The last part says so much.
I think Gabriel is a wonderful name! He looks so precious. No matter how
many times I see a bunny with head tilt, I just never get used to it - it makes
me so sad. Especially seeing them roll - breaks my heart! I guess it just
reminds me of when my little guy had head tilt.
> But I am so glad that we have vets who are more educated and willing to help
our head tilt friends, and especially the knowledge and support of groups like
this one. Head tilters need our help and understanding and they are living
proof and inspiration of how strong and wonderful the animal soul can be.
> Thanks for sharing.
> Michelle
SOOOSKA wrote:
Ali, Gabriel is Adorable (love the new name too).

Boy you are an "Angel In Disguise" for taking him in. He's one lucky bunny.

Ditto. ^ Please stroke Gabriel for us, Ali. Yes, You are an angel. He's lucky to know your loving heart & special needs' care.
Such a handsome rexie boy! You are truly an angel for giving Gabriel a loving home. He certainly loves his carrots! There is plenty of happiness in store for this bunny.
He reminds me of a beauty at the shelter that I want to take home with me. She's a rex (can't tell if she's standard or mini) with the same color of spots. She's a total sweetheart and is very interested in people. No tilt, but a very similar look and personality. Huge kudos~~
So they didn't send dremamine/bonine. I asked....reply....She thinks they didn't because it isn't pasteurella or ec. HUH!? That is for the rolling...which is caused by infection(whatever kind)in the middle ear.... It doesn't cure it...It just helps with a syptom... I started him on it.... He is rolling a LOT less. Mainly after we HAVE to handle him. He is moving on his own more....
Gabriel's set-up...









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