Fuzzy Lop Coat Blow

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Snuggys Mom

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
Reaction score
Memphis, Tennessee, USA
Shadow, who was severely matted when I got him, had suddenly lost A LOT of wool.

I noticed a tuft of wool sticking out yesterday and gently pulled, andkept pulling, and pulling and pulling. Mind you, it waseffortless for me and painless for him. I pulled out whatlooked like a whole bunny's worth of wool in a couple ofminutes.

I'm hoping it was his "baby coat". Most of the leftover matscame out with it and what's left isREALLY nice fur.

I'm confused because I've had Toby for a year and he never did this.

AFL owners, or breeders or PAM NOCK :), please tell me this is normal.



The soft baby coats matt easily due to the lownumber of guard hairs. The adult coats generally come inbetter, although some may maintain un undesirable softer coat.

Laura, it could also be because of his change indiet. Mocha finally blew her juvenile coat last year when Iswitched her to better pellets. Fey and Sprite have gonethrough several major molts since I got them, each time with anoticable improvement in coat quality. I think it's relatedto better nutrition.

So when do we get new pics of him? :ponder:
naturestee wrote:
I think it's related to better nutrition.

So when do we get new pics of him? :ponder:
I'll work on that this week! His coat is SOOOOO much nicer now.

It took me about six weeks to get him weaned off that horrible food hewas eating. He's on all Oxbow Timothy pellets now.He is eating twice as much as my other rabbits, but doesn't seem to begaining much weight. He's pretty scrawny. The vetsaid his labs all checked out fine, so I don't know why he's notgaining weight. Maybe he just needs more time.

Interesting...does this mean we can possiblyexpect the same thing with Flower, now that she has a diet (since shehad NOTHING to eat before)??


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