i know this has been postedbefore but i cant find the thread, can someonerefresh me on what to use to get rid of them?
the bunny in quetion is 5 near to 6 yrs old
the bunny in quetion is 5 near to 6 yrs old
?Its? My? friends? rabbit? she? brought him over? tonight? and?unfortunately?? he is? an all white? blue? eyed? 6? pounder, 6 yearsold? ,? he? looks? like a NZ? cross?? maybe a bit of lop? thrown in?for? good? measure ,??? what worries me is?? his? chin? is? furless andit? is? starting? up near? his? eye? ,? i suggested she? vet him? as?soon as? she? can .? i? thought maybe he? was? chinning? too much at?first? but after seeing him? tonight? i dont think? thats? the problem?as? it?? goes? around his? chubby neck? like a? collar ?