fur mites

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i know this has been postedbefore but i cant find the thread, can someonerefresh me on what to use to get rid of them?

the bunny in quetion is 5 near to 6 yrs old
Hi Gypsy, :)

Ivermectin 1.87 - a pea sized dollop of, and then another treatment 10 days later for eggs, is one solution.

That said, if your rabbit has a blue gene in it - i.e., blue eyes, bluefur, or some white bellied rabbits or white toed rabbits can have anadverse effect on medications as strong as Ivermectin.

Another alternative is to go with a kitten flea powder. Wash allbedding or anything the mites could attach to, and go by what thekitten flea powder instructs.

Keep us posted.

Its Myfriends rabbit she brought himover tonight andunfortunately he is an allwhite blue eyed 6 pounder, 6years old , he looks like aNZ cross maybe a bit of lopthrown in for good measure, what worries me ishis chin is furless and itis starting up near hiseye , i suggested she vet himas soon as she can .i thought maybe he was chinningtoo much at first but after seeing himtonight i dont think thats theproblem as it goesaround his chubby neck like a collar ?

he he did i mentionhe has thecutest double chinlol

he is a doll what abig baby let me fliphim and everything , layed inmy lap for almost a half hourwhile i searched the boards forthe mite thingylol what a good boy!!

omg omg i forgot tosay Thank YouCarolyn, I was insuch a rush to tell her iforgot me mannersThanks Hon
gypsy wrote:
?Its? My? friends? rabbit? she? brought him over? tonight? and?unfortunately?? he is? an all white? blue? eyed? 6? pounder, 6 yearsold? ,? he? looks? like a NZ? cross?? maybe a bit of lop? thrown in?for? good? measure ,??? what worries me is?? his? chin? is? furless andit? is? starting? up near? his? eye? ,? i suggested she? vet him? as?soon as? she? can .? i? thought maybe he? was? chinning? too much at?first? but after seeing him? tonight? i dont think? thats? the problem?as? it?? goes? around his? chubby neck? like a? collar ?

Trust your instincts, Gypsy.

I do.

An inch of NutriCal couldn't hurt.

And, of course,

keep him away from your herd until you have this figured out.

keep him away from your herd until you have this figured out.


lol i am sobad lol istrippe nekked and threw myclothes into the washer rightafter then jumpd intoa hot ? ( heh cold, washer was running) shower no chancestaken here lol . poor littleguy i did give himthe nutri cal before he left ,which it was a good thing the showercame after because i amallergic to the stuff , gofigure it has enough iodine init to trigger the shell fishallergy ( geesh ) , but now ihave learned to usegloves when administering it lol

LOL!!! hubby thought ihad lost my mind , it wastoo funny of coursehe thought ..................................... lol