Well-Known Member
just went to groom bailey when i noticed on his bottom just above his tail the fur is falling out in clumps , he has a bald patch about 4 cms wide and 2cms high , the skin is all flaky and where the fur is coming out theres clumps of white dead skin attached to it , its only on this patch and no where else , plus hes not itching at all so im not convinced he has mites , hes also treated every 3 months with an ivermectin spot on prescribed by my vet as last year he did have a very bad case of mites but it has been under control since then(cause was bad batch of hay)and even then he did not suffer fur loss like this just dandruff ,
i am wondering whether it could be linked to me bathing him yesterday , he has a habit of peeing on laminate flooring rather than using his litter box which stains his fur and gives him a dirty bottom , so im bathing him every 2 weeks to keep him clean , i only clean the dirty area and dry him thoroughly afterwards but yesterday he had the hump and wouldnt let me rinse or dry him properly and ran off everytime i attempted to finish him and now im worried i left some of his bunny bubble bath on his skin which has irritated him or not drying him properly could have caused it as it is only in the area that i washed yesterday that hes lost fur , could this have caused it or is it something else , should i try rinsing the area in plain water or just leave it , think i will try get him in at the vets just incase but overall hes well in himself , and the rest of his fur is fine
i am wondering whether it could be linked to me bathing him yesterday , he has a habit of peeing on laminate flooring rather than using his litter box which stains his fur and gives him a dirty bottom , so im bathing him every 2 weeks to keep him clean , i only clean the dirty area and dry him thoroughly afterwards but yesterday he had the hump and wouldnt let me rinse or dry him properly and ran off everytime i attempted to finish him and now im worried i left some of his bunny bubble bath on his skin which has irritated him or not drying him properly could have caused it as it is only in the area that i washed yesterday that hes lost fur , could this have caused it or is it something else , should i try rinsing the area in plain water or just leave it , think i will try get him in at the vets just incase but overall hes well in himself , and the rest of his fur is fine