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They're all done and painted, I'll try and take pictures tomorrow. Just as a warning though I have a dentist appointment in the morning to check up on my wisdom teeth, so I SHOULD be back home sometime, but if something's really far wrong S*** might go down and I might be out of commission for a little while.

Phinn was in this batch :biggrin2:
tundrakatiebean wrote:
Ok so the first 11 are baking as I type. Some of those were lionheads or had other specific fuzz, I TRIED to make it look good, I really did. But I am honestly not sure if they are going to turn out nicely after painted and such so I might end up redoing them. Specifically it was Daisy Mae and Drew. I'll show the owners a picture of the salt dough bun after they're completed and if they are not pleased (or if I'm not) I'll re-do them.

so check the status of the buns at this website and I'll update it with pictures and such :)

Edit: Tutorial (however awful it may be) will be up as soon as I work up the ooomph
Check Status here!
oh! herman is done! (i just saw that i had a new PM. . . sorry for the delay)

could you pm me your address, and i will get a check in the mail to you for $10 (that is in total how much you need, right?)
Hey katie can i possibly have the pictures for trixie (trixieis my funnybunny) since we are purchasing it for her you can pm me or give me the link Thanks
I forgot to say that I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow. All four, so I'll be out of it for a few days. I haven't gotten the pictures taken yet and I'm not sure I'll get to them today (sorry sorry sorry)

So there aren't pictures to give you :(sorry sorry sorry
They're ALL cute, there aren't any in this batch that I'm even slightly unhappy with :)

I have good news for Pet_Bunny and Moominmoo! I put your packages in the mail today, so they should be there by the end of this week or early next!
Yay yay yay yay! I can't wait to see, I should be able to pay you very soon! CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE PICS!

Good luck at the dentist, I had 2 of mine surgicaly removed, and I made it out fine - and this is coming from the girl who cried when she got her braces put on (and it didnt hurt AT ALL!)
It'll be a while, plus I'm going to go eat dinner, but have a teaser for now :p